Ten - Plans

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I opened my eyes the next morning, my hand still resting on Tom's bed of curls on his head. We must have fallen asleep and I wasn't surprised. Tom looked so tired.

He was still fast asleep with his head resting on my chest. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Tom. I had no idea he had so much stress put on top of him at the moment and I felt like I needed to be here for him.

A few minutes later I saw his eyes fluttered open and I saw his golden brown eyes move their gaze to mine. He lifted his chin up and looked directly at me not saying anything.

"Hey.." I said quietly moving my hand off his head.

"Hey..." He replied with a smile. He looked much better than he did last night after having a much needed rest. He continued to look into my eyes like he was contemplating something and then he spoke again in a grumbly voice.

"Do you want to go away this weekend?" He said out of the blue. His eyes were looking hopefully into mine as he said it. "I know we have only just met each other but I do really want to get to know you more, Annie." He said still staring at me.

I looked at him for a moment deciding on what to do. I wasn't a very spontaneous person but when it came to Tom I felt like I couldn't say no. I felt such a strong feeling towards Tom that I found quite hard to deny.

"Okay.." I replied nodding. A smile came to his face as I said it. Seeing Tom smile brought me so much joy.

"Thank you.." He replied. "And thank you for coming over last night. I really needed someone to cheer me up even if I thought I didn't." He finished looking into my eyes again.

"Of course, Tom." I said. I could feel him coming closer to my face, feeling his hot breath against my skin. But to my disappointment, he pulled away quickly breathing in deeply.

"Okay I'm going to get in the shower." He said changing the subject. I nodded as I watched him make his way over to the bathroom. He walked in closing the door with a small gap so I could still see his frame. I noticed him start to take his shirt off, seeing his chiselled abs through the small gap. I quickly looked away from the door, feeling as though I had watched for too long. I decided to call Quinn and fill her in on what was going on.

"Hey Quinn..." I lead on as I put the phone to my ear.

"Oh my god Annie! I've been waiting so long for this call! Fill me in!" She said giggling.

"Nothing happened, Quinn." I said into the phone and she sighed in disappointment. I rolled my eyes at her reaction and continued to speak. "But he did invite me to spend the weekend away with him but I don't know where to." I finished.

"Omg Annie this is brilliant!" She almost screamed into the phone.

"Alright Quinn I've gotta go." I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone with a long sigh. Was this really happening? I thought to myself.

A few minutes later, I heard the bathroom door unlock and I saw Tom walk into his room in nothing but a towel around his waist. I looked at him for a moment before looking away. He didn't see me I don't think...

I sat on the sofa for a few moments while Tom changed trying to guess where he could possibly be taking me. Soon after, he came out wearing blue jeans and a white sweatshirt.

"Tom where are we going this weekend?" I asked curiously.

"Well I was thinking we could go to my family beach house..." He lead on staring at you. "My family will be there too. It will be like a family gathering that I'm bringing you along to. I really want to get to know you better Annie." He finished smiling at me.

"That sounds lovely Tom, thank you." I thanked him before continuing conversation.


A few days had passed since I agreed to go away with Tom and today was the day I was leaving. I had packed a small bag that was mostly packed by Quinn who had tried to put my nicest bikinis and dresses in there and told me "You need to look your best!" I had given up on arguing with her and decided to go with what she had packed.

Not too long after, Tom had arrived outside my flat in his black car and so I said my goodbyes to Quinn and made my way to the door out of the building but I was stopped by a call from Tom. I answered the phone quickly, wondering what was going on.

"Tom?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Annie, be careful coming out the building, there's a mob of paparazzi just outside. I didn't realise they were following me until I got here. I'm right outside the door so when you open it don't make eye contact with anyone just look straight ahead alright?" He finished. I swallowed slowly, already feeling uncomfortable by the situation.

"Okay Tom I will." I said anxiously before hanging up the phone. I took a deep breath and quickly opened the front door.

I was bombarded with cameras flashing, people shouting and a group of fans right behind Tom's car. I kept my head down, trying to stick to what Tom had told me to do. I saw that Tom had his window open on the other side of the car trying to sign autographs for fans, once he had finished, he closed his window, smiling at the fans before turning his gaze towards me. I took a few more steps before reaching for the car door and quickly jumping inside and throwing my bag to the back seat of the car before Tom started driving onto the road, letting out a big sigh while the figures and cameras flashing disappeared into the distance.

"Are you okay, Annie?" Tom asked anxiously as he saw me. I nodded quickly as Tom continued to look at me and then his gaze drifted back to the road. "I'm so sorry Annie, I didn't kno-"He started but I cut him off quickly.

"Tom honestly, please don't worry. I'm fine and I'm sure this happens to you all the time, so there's no need to worry." I said to him looking at his soft brown eyes.

He just nodded an continued driving, his hand resting by the gear stick and my hand on the other side. I could feel the heat from the palm of his hand but I kept my hand where it was and so did he for quite a while longer.

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