Fourteen - Midnight

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We stayed in the water for a while, just enjoying each others company.

He kissed me repeatedly while we swayed in the water and I slowly moved my grasp up to his golden brown locks, intertwining my fingers with them and then twirling one of them repeatedly.

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Tom moved his hands to the small of my back and at first I shuddered at the touched but then relaxed at the feeling of his soft fingers. I placed another soft peck on his lips before I pulled away where I met his dashing gaze again. I opened my mouth as though to speak but nothing seemed to come out. He gave me a curious look and his brown eyebrows furrowed in response.

"I-.." I started but I just couldn't find the right words. "Why me Tom..." I continued. "What made you decide to bring me here.. why not anyone else?" I asked, feeling stupid to ask the question.

He looked at me for a moment before moving his hand up to my face as his hand caressed my cheek as he started to speak.

"Well...throughout the time that we have spent together, I have grown to know more and more about you, each thing being presented as though it is a gift in front of me. And though it has only been a short time that I have spent with you... it feels like so much longer." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Still, I am scared, because I am growing deep feelings inside my heart that I can't explain. I really don't know what your feelings are but everyone else I have known has not made me feel the way that you've made me feel. I don't want to force you to feel anything towards me because we haven't known each other for long, but all I ask for you is that you care for me and trust me the way I trust you." He spoke the last few words to me as though he had wanted to say those words all night. He stroked his hands through my hair still looking into my eyes. I looked at him with full adoration, being completely oblivious to the fact that he felt that way.

I knew I felt strong feelings towards Tom but I didn't really know how to come about them. Now that Tom had expressed the way he felt towards me, I felt as though I could see so clearly. Hearing him say that he had grown to trust me in the way that he has felt so surreal. I understood the struggles he had in order to trust people but it brought me so much joy to hear that he felt that way towards me.

I looked into his eyes for a moment, trying to find the right words to say.

"Tom.." I started. "I wish I could really express the happiness I have found in the time I have spent with you and hearing you say those things has made me realise my feelings for you. Getting to know you has brought me a new dimension to life that I have never experienced before. I don't want you to feel as though you have forced anything onto me, because that is the opposite of what you have done. You have made me discover feelings I didn't know I could feel for a person before and it brings me so much happiness, Tom. It really does." I finished speaking, and felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Tom looked at me and smiled. The smile that melted my heart. I took my hand and intertwined my fingers with his damp curls at the front of his face and I smiled back at the handsome man in front of me.

"I'm so glad." He continued to smile as be spoke and he pressed another soft kiss to my lip but pulled away soon after.

"I-.." He lead on. "I really feel as though I want to take this relationship further, but I just don't want us to go too fast..."He paused before continuing. "I have experienced fast relationships in the past and they have not ended well. I really like what we have between us and I don't want anything to get in the way of it." He spoke the words with a tinge of pain in his voice and I felt bad to think of past relationships making his unhappy or uncomfortable.

I nodded with a soft smile, agreeing with the way he felt.

"Of course, Tom." I smiled.

"Thank you." He smiled back with another kiss on my lips.

Soon after, we made our way out of the water, our clothes dripping from the salty sea water we had just submerged out of. Tom took my hand in his and we make out way up to the bonfire to collect our things. He grabbed our clothes in one hand while still holding my hand in the other.

As we made our way indoors, we heard voices from the living room, presuming that they belonged to the few people that were still up. Tom lead me towards the staircase with my hand still in his and our clothes still dripping wet.

I reached the top of the stairs and Tom lead me into his room, the room I was staying in. I opened the door and slipped my wet joggers off. Tom had turned around to give me some privacy and he quickly hopped in the shower in his room, trying not to wake the people that were asleep in the house.

I had changed into a clean set of clothes and slipped into the comfortable bed that I had slept in the night before. A few moments later, Tom came out in dry joggers and a bare chest again. I smiled at him as he looked at me.

"Okay so.." He started. "I'm going to go back to Harry's room." He said and I nodded, not quite sure what to say.

He made his way to the door before I spoke.

"Tom.." I started. "Can you stay?" I asked him and he nodded.

He made his way over to the bed and slowly slipped under the duvet. He came closer to me and put his hand over my hip and I quickly adjusted to his soft touch. I felt myself slowly inch closer to him and I felt relaxed as he held me.

"Is this okay?" He asked me in a soft voice and I nodded my head with a soft smile.

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