Thirteen - Waves

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•Annie's POV•
I woke up the next morning feeling very well rested in Tom's surprisingly comfortable bed. As I got out of bed, I walked over to my bad for a change of clothes before making my way to the bathroom.

I took a brisk shower under the warm hose before changing and making my way out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

I smiled when I reached the bottom of the stairs as I saw Tom in the kitchen with Paddy, making pancakes.

"Morning Annie." Tom smiled as I walked over to them to have a look at the pancakes.

"Morning, Tom." I smiled back and turned my gaze towards Paddy. "Morning Paddy." I spoke.

"Morning." He said with a soft smile that reminded me of Tom's.

"Mhmm... smells good." I complimented with a smile.

Not too long after, everyone started to make their way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Everyone happily dug into Tom and Paddy's pancakes and the conversation drifted to the events of the day.

"So Haz and Sam..." Harry started. "Tom and I were thinking of going for a surf today. Apparently the waves are going to be quite big so it looks like a good day to go." He finished looking at the two boys who both chimed in agreement. "And what about you Annie? Do you want to come with us?" Harry asked me politely.

"Yeah sure." I said happily. "I used to surf all the time with my dad when we went to visit my grandparents. I haven't been in ages though." I said to the group.

"Ahh well that's perfect then! We'll have a great time." Harry said.

And so not too long after breakfast, we all made our way towards the beach. I recognised the view of the sea from my window the night before but this time instead of the moonlight, there was the glistening sun against the water that was just as picturesque.

Tom and his brothers had leant me a surf board that I could use and not too long after we were all on the water. Paddy had decided to join us too.

We had been surfing for about half an hour, having a laugh and enjoying the heat of the sun.

Tom and Harry had started to get quite competitive on the water. Each of them trying to do the most advanced tricks.

The air was crisp and the sun was bright. I felt a soft breeze against my back as I sat on my board and watched the two brothers in front of me compete with each other on top of this vast blanket of water.

As each wave washed past, we all propelled back as the water folded underneath us and back to its original state. Tom's skills seemed to become more impressive as each wave suppressed and I couldn't help but watch in awe as I saw the muscular figure weave through the water so effortlessly.


The rest of the day seemed to fly by. It was filled with much joy and laughter between us all and I felt so content. We had surfed most of the day and played with Tessa on the beach for a long while too. The waves had calmed as the day grew on, each wave passing with gentle and rhythmic motion.

The smell of the salty air tickled my nose as I took in each breath. As the sky darkened, and night dawned on us all, everyone decided to make their way inside. However, my love for the outdoors took over me and I decided to stay outside around the same fire pit like the night before. And this time, it was just Tom and I.

We sat close together as the orange sky warmed like the burning fire in front of us while the breeze wiping around us chilled. The waves were lapping against the shore and the stones, washed up by the sea scraped together in the distance. It was surreal.

We both look looked out onto the sea for a while, before I felt Tom's gaze on me. I looked over to the brown haired boy sitting next to me and I smiled as I saw the reflection of the red sky, bouncing off his golden irises.

"You're beautiful, Annie." He said to me, in a crisp voice.

As he said the words my heart started to flutter but just didn't really know what to say.

I continued to look into his golden brown eyes and smiled a soft smile. And that's when a thought came into my head.

I stood up, the thick blanket falling off my legs. I could feel his hard gaze of my back as I walked towards the sea but I continued walking.

I got to the edge of the shore feeling the water on my bare feet. I took my fleece off, leaving me in just me t-shirt.

I kept my joggers on and walked into the cool water. I shivered at the feeling of the cold water against my clingy t-shirt but I shook the feeling off and fell back into the water so my whole body was submerged underneath. My gaze fixed back onto Tom as I saw his shocked face turn into a soft smile.

He watched me for a moment before he got up off the sand and walked over to the water. He took his jumper and his t-shirt off, leaving his jeans on, I noticed his abs once again as he moved into the water.

He swam a short way over to me and slowly come closer. As he moved nearer to my face and I could feel his hot breath against my skin. He stopped moving once we were face to face and he placed his hands on my hips. We stayed there for a moment just taking each other in.

After what felt like hours, Tom took his hand and pushed a bit of my wet hair behind my ear before he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

Maybe time had stopped once his lips met mine but I wasn't sure. It felt so electric and my heart couldn't stop pounding. It was perfect.

I placed my hands on his chest under the water moving closer in to the kiss and the fluttering in my chest just intensified. All I could think about in this moment was how soft his lips felt against mine and just how addictively he invaded all of my senses.

And that's when those lyrics came to mind...

Well, now really when we go back then to falling in love. And say, it's crazy. Falling. You see? We don't say 'rising into love'; there is in it the idea of the fall...

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