Seven - Article

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I woke up the next morning, feeling a huge smile grow on my face. I had remembered the events of the night before and a feeling of contentment washed over me.

I slowly got out of bed, making my way over to the bathroom, until I heard my phone ring. I went back over to my bedside table, looking at the caller ID to see that I was my sister.

My eyebrows furrowed together wondering why she would be calling me this early in the morning. I usually called her once every week just to catch up, but it never usually happens in the morning.

Still confused, I picked the phone up and answered in a groggy, morning voice.

"Hey Rosie... what's u-" I was cut off by her quick reply.

"When we're you going to tell me you're dating a movie star, Annie?!" She said in disbelief, shouting into the phone. It was only a matter of time before the paparazzi would find us. I just hopped it wouldn't be this soon. I knew this was going to happen though. My sister was all for the gossip. She was always active on Instagram trying to find out all the latest Hollywood gossip. I wouldn't be surprised if she followed Tom on insta either.

"Hello to you too. And anyway we're not dating..." I sighed awkwardly into the phone.

"Annie this is huge!" She squealed again completely ignoring my statement. I rolled my eyes at her overreaction, sighing at the fact that I was going to have to deal with her and all her questions for the next hour.


About 2 hours past before I finally got off the phone with her. She then sent me the photo that was taken of us in the restaurant last night seeing the title, 'Spider-man star: Tom Holland, spotted with girl in restaurant last night.' I sighed at the title telling myself not to read it. I hated attention and now being seen in an article made me quite anxious.

Drifting the thought out of my head, I sighed again as I just wanted to get on with my day. I switched my phone off and started work.

As I was painting, my thoughts would slowly drift to the night before. Imagining my hands in Tom's hair again, I smiled at the idea before seeing his glowing, brown eyes in my mind. I shook my head realising that I was getting too distracted.

After I had got home the night before, Quinn was still up waiting for me to tell her all about the events of the evening. And like any other best friends, we sat down with a cup of tea in our pyjamas and gossiped for hours into the night. It really made me feel happy to have someone to gossip to.

However, she had left early this morning to get to work and I was left to talk to my sister home alone. In all seriousness, I do love my sister, but she is a very overwhelming person and can be quite a handful at times.

I spent a few hours on my art, listening to music and enjoying the morning London breeze through the window. Soon after I checked my phone to see and unread message from Tom.


Hey Annie, I saw the
article that was posted
this morning. I want
to apologise for not
being more careful
with the paparazzi.
It wasn't fair on you.
But I did really enjoy
last night. I had a really
good time. I'm going
Cleveland for a about
week to get a few
last shots for my
upcoming film
Cherry , but I
will be back soon
and I'm really hoping
you would want to
meet up again then.
Sorry I didn't tell you
last night, I just had
a really good time and I
didn't want to ruin the
moment xx

I sighed quietly, seeing that he would be away for a week, but I was also glad to hear that he wanted to see me again. Part of me had forgotten he was a celebrity. I guess getting caught up with someone really takes your mind off of things.
It was sweet that he was apologising for the paparazzi even though it was not his fault. I thought about what to say and then replied quickly.

Hey Tom :)
thanks for texting me
back. I really loved last
night too, it was great
to get to know more
about you. Please
don't worry about the
paparazzi, it's not
your fault and it wasn't
fair on you either. It's no
problem about Cleveland.
Have fun and I'll see you
in a week :)
Annie x

This was going to be a long week, but at least I had the time to get some work done and spend more time with Quinn.
I thought about going to see my sister and my parents. I hadn't seen them in a while and they were bound to want to know what was going on with me and Tom since I was almost curtain my sister had told them about us.

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