xlvi. 𝚙𝚎𝚐𝚐𝚢'𝚜 𝚏𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕

Start from the beginning

He nodded, backing away uncomfortably.


"How fast can you get to London?" Steve's voice broke through, sounding awfully upset. She furrowed her brows worriedly. "Peggy's dead."

Evelyn gasped, hand reaching to clutch at her heart. Bucky looked at her worriedly. "S-Steve, I—"

"The funeral is tomorrow morning. Can you be there?"

"Of course, Stevie," Evelyn whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"Just be there," he said before adding a soft, "please, Evelyn."

Bucky caught Evelyn's phone when it dropped from her hand after Steve had ended the call. He placed it on the counter as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "What is it? What happened?"

"Peggy's dead," Evelyn whispered, her eyes shooting up to meet his.

Bucky hugged her tightly as she cried softly. He could remember bits and pieces of Agent Carter. He remembered how much the woman adored Steve. He remembered how much Evelyn and the woman got along. They were best friends. He held her close as Evelyn explained the pair were going to Peggy's funeral. Bucky opened his mouth to argue, but Evelyn shook her head. He knew she was right without even saying words. Peggy would have wanted him there if she knew Evelyn had found Bucky once more. She was always so supportive of their relationship—always trying to help her feel better when Bucky did not reply to letters.

Evelyn had found a suit for Bucky as she wore a nice dress. Bucky held one of her hands as they flew the jet to London, leaving their apartment early to make sure they made it to the funeral.

Bucky and Evelyn walked inside of the church together, but Bucky stayed in the back with his head down low as Evelyn's heels clicked, alerting Sam of her presence. He stood and hugged her when she made it to him, giving his condolences when Evelyn's eyes went to the framed photo of Peggy Carter in the front. She pulled a handkerchief from her clutch as she held it to her eye as Steve was one of the men bringing Peggy's coffin inside. When he saw her there, he visibly relaxed—quickly finding his seat next to her as the ceremony of Agent Carter's life began.

"Bucky?" Steve asked softly.

"He's here," Evelyn revealed, watching Steve and Sam tense up next to her. Evelyn grabbed Steve's hand as the priest began speaking. After a while, he invited Peggy's niece to step up to speak, and Evelyn's eyes widened further at Steve's old neighbor, Sharon, walked to the podium. Sam reached over Evelyn to nudge Steve. Steve looked just as shocked.

"Margaret Carter was known to most as a founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., but I just knew her as Aunt Peggy," Steve let out a surprised gasp at the words. He squeezed Evelyn's hand tighter. "She had a photograph in her office. Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK. As a kid, that was pretty cool. But it was a lot to live up to. Which is why I never told anyone we were related." Sharon looked directly at Steve.

"I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage in a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either. And she said, compromise where you can. But where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in they eye and say No, you move."

Evelyn's eyes fell at the familiar words Peggy had spoken to her when the women were discussing the creation of S.H.I.E.L.D. in 1942. She blinked back tears as she gave Peggy's niece a nod once the funeral was over. She knew she had to leave, find Bucky, but she wanted to make sure Steve was okay.

She let her arm stay in loop with his as they walked down the aisle. "She lived a good life," Evelyn finally said. "Something to envy."

Steve let out a breathy laugh. "Something I don't think people like us can have anymore. You're leaving?"

"I have to get him out of here," Evelyn said, "but he wanted to pay his respects. He always admired how strong-willed Peg was."

Steve smiled tightly, drawing Evelyn in for a hug. Steve noticed his best friend waiting by the door, head low with his hair covering his face. He wore gloves under his suit to hide his metal arm. Bucky's eyes flickered to Steve once before he averted them.

Evelyn kissed Steve's cheek before walking away, grabbing Bucky's hand as she passed him. Bucky held her hand tightly as he said, "It was nice. What Agent Carter deserved."

"It was," Evelyn agreed as they began their journey back to Bucharest. "Thanks for being here."

"Of course, doll," Bucky said quietly. "It was nice to see him."

"Maybe next time you can talk," she teased, bumping her hips with his as the jet came into sight. Bucky shrugged. "You know you wanted to."

"A bit."

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