Chapter 1 - Meeting

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Felicity's POV

"Watch it! You nearly put out my fire that time Wendy!" I scowl.

"Maybe you shouldn't try to light up the house in flames next time!" She retorts.

"Same goes for you but with flooding the house! We don't want it happening again!" I yell.

Yep, this is a typical day in the Terramia (teh-rah-mee-yah) household. My name is Felicity Heather Terramia, I am 22 years old and I can fire bend, which means I can control fire. I have 3 sisters who can bend the other 3 elements. Wendy Oceana Terramia (28), Eleanor Gaia Terramia (24) and Arielle Claudine Terramia (23). Wendy is a water bender, Eleanor is an earth bender and Arielle is an air bender.

Our powers are rare. We got it passed down by our family. We were brought up to fight our whole lives. Our parents are dead, they died in battle 9 years ago. We had to live by ourselves but we learnt to survive and thrive. We all got jobs and we didn't need to go to school as we were already very smart. And from then on we moved to London - the headquarters of the Terramia family. We easily afforded a huge house where all of us could live together and raise families in. It's so huge!

You could say our lives were interesting but really all we do is wake up, go to work, train and go to bed EVERY single day. It's really quite boring actually.

"I give up. Arielle, Eleanor! Do you want anything from Starbucks?" I ask.

"One Caramel Macchiato and a Chocolate Chip cookie, please." I hear.

"Why aren't you asking me?" Wendy grunts.

"As if I don't know what you want. You're vegan, Wendy, you don't want anything. You hate coffee and Starbucks in general." I state.

"Good job sister! You actually listen!" She snorts.

"Well, I'll be on my way now." I say walking out of the door (closing it behind me of course).


I arrive back home with the girls' orders. It was a quick and event less trip. I give Arielle her cookie and Eleanor her drink. I get my Hot Chocolate out and stir it up a little to get the whipped cream to spread. As I enjoy my Hot Choco and just after. I got comfortable and the other girls went into their own rooms which were pretty far and soundproof as our house was huge; we have an intercom to speak to the others in the house.

I sat down calmly and started reading a book to go with my drink. My meditation was soon ruined by a knock on the door. I walk over and open it.

"Who are you and what the fu-" I trail off.

He's beautiful! Chocolate brown eyes, curly hair swept to the side as a fringe. Very tall actually, maybe 6'3" or so, towering over my 5'10" which I already thought was tall. Wearing a 'SHUT UP WOMAN GET ON MY HORSE' top and sweatpants. Absolutely amazing.

"Sorry for disturbing you, well you you see... Erm... I hurt my foot and my roommate isn't around so I don't know what to do and it really stings so I was wondering if... Um... You could maybe help, maybe?" He says, stumbling over his words. He then quietly curses at himself for saying 'maybe' twice.

I never noticed he was limping.

"Oh, of course. Sorry, please come in and make yourself comfortable on the couch." I smile.

He limps over to the couch and sits down.

"Can you please show me your foot?" I ask, politely.

"Oh yes, of course. Stupid me." The boy says, bringing up his foot and putting it on my lap.

I carefully examine the damage done.

"It looks like your ankle is pretty badly sprained and you cut yourself on something sharp quite deeply." I inform him.

He winces at the information given. I then excuse myself to get the materials I need to heal it and soon come back. I ice his ankle and clean up the cut, putting a bandaid on it afterwards.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I question.

"Well, you see... I kinda... Erm... Tripped over a table... Heh heh..." He mumbles, slightly blushing.

"Haha its fine. I'm clumsier, guess why I learnt the first aid?" I joke and he chuckles.

"Sorry, I never got your name. I'm Dan, Daniel James Howell." He introduces.

"I'm Felicity Heather Terramia. You can call me Fel, Luci, or anything you want." I introduce back.

We then talk for hours about each other. We pretty much know everything about each other. Well, except for the fact that I can bend fire and all that jazz.

"I best be off." Dan says after I wrap his ankle up.

"Here's my number if you ever need anything, okay?" I offer a piece of paper to him.

"I'll be sure to call." He smirks.

Dan limps out the door after me giving him a hug. I close it.

That was great.

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