7: You Can't Pick A Rose By The Thorns

Start from the beginning

"However do you mean, your majesty?" Dia asked.

"I have been deceived by a man. I thought he was . . . different than the rest. We had been contacting each other, and all of a sudden he disappeared. A part of me wonders why, but the other one knows it's because I wasn't meant to be anything important to him. I became too absorbed too quickly by him, and now I feel lost. I'm angry for thinking he was better . . . I should've known better."

Dia nodded and looked pitifully at the prince as he sipped his tea.

"Well, your majesty, may I introduce my opinion in the matter?" Dia inquired before speaking her mind. Artemis nodded and she continued.

"People do strange things your highness. It's near impossible to predict what a person will do, let alone the motives. I wouldn't advice to be so distraught about this, but if it is any consolation, I've learned in my own experience that sometimes people flee what they fear they can't handle. Perhaps this man you speak of was afraid he couldn't handle the implications of growing a connection with you. He does to a point, have all due reason to do that. Life does seem to get increasingly complicated once relationships between others are made, simply because of the fact we can't be as selfish as we want to be."

Artemis looked at the fire as he listened, but he hardly believed what she said. In his mind, Hades was just gone to find a new toy. Nothing more, nothing less.

At around eleven in the evening, Artemis returned to his bedroom for the night. When he stepped in, he looked hopelessly at the balcony, wishing a pair of ruby eyes would look at him, and then he neared his bed.

"Evening, your highness." Hades' smooth voice said from his left.

Artemis gasped in surprise, and he spun his head to see Hades floating next to him, resting his chin on his hand as he looked at him.

"No surprised screaming or complaining tonight?" Hades tilted his head slightly with a flirty smirk.

Artemis made a deep frown and disregarded Hades. He stepped away from him and stood awkwardly in the center of the room.

"You look angry. Are you angry, or do you need to use the bathroom?" Hades joked as he smiled.

This only made Artemis grow in anger. How dare he joke around when he should know very well what he did.

"Why are you here?" Artemis demanded.

"Came to see you, obviously." Hades shrugged and moved to get closer to Artemis.

Artemis stepped away and slapped his hand away when he reached it out for him.

"You are the greatest asshole I have ever encountered Hades Crow!" Artemis exclaimed.

"Oh, you're mad about me leaving, huh?" Hades scratched the back of his head. "Sorry about that, I didn't--"

"Your apologies mean nothing to me you slimy, lying coward! Day and night I waited for you to come back and you never once did! You fool me into thinking you're actually a good vampire and then leave me in the dark to go find a new toy to break!"

"What? No, Artemis--"

"Of course I'm angry with you! Make up your damn mind already Hades! Why are you here?!"

Artemis whimpered as his eyes welled up with tears of anger and he stepped to be against the wall. It hurt to be deceived like this.

"Okay, I'm sure not once did I say or imply that I was a "good" vampire." Hades looked sternly at Artemis and made air quotes. "Sorry I gave you that impression, but I'm the same as everyone in my kind. The reason? Because I am a vampire. You elves look at everything so black an white, if something isn't what you think is good, then it's evil. If mistakes are done in the past, you hold on to it and don't bother to look at people for who they are, not who they were. Alright I get it, I'm evil to you."

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