5- Lacrosse Genes

Start from the beginning

"You can go in." She tilted her head towards the door.

I nodded and moved towards the door that had a nameplate that read:

Principal Finstock.

I knocked on the door and with permission I went in.

"Principal Finstock, you wanted to see me?" I said and he looked up at me from his laptop.

He was a man who looked in his sixties evident by the few spots on his cheek bones and the wrinkles forming on his face.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Allison Stilinski." I replied.

"Ah! Stilinski. Come sit." He gestured towards the chair opposite to him.

I went in and sat down putting my bag on the chair beside me.

"How's your father doing?" He asked.

"Well, he's been better." I replied and he nodded.

"And how are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm fine. I guess." I replied.

"It must be hard with the way things are going for your family and hopefully they will get resolved soon enough."

I smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah." I replied.

"I believe Mason must've told you a little something about the school."

"Yes. He did."

"And you are aware of the special circumstances of this school and this town?"

"Yes.. I am."

"Good." He slightly nodded. "So how would you like to join our lacrosse team?"

I was a little surprised at the sudden change of the topic.


"I see in your file that you were an athlete at your previous school."

"But I was on the swim team." I said.

"And?" He looked at me like I had said the most stupid thing.

"I don't know how to play lacrosse." I said.

"No one does when they're starting out."


"You have it in your genes, kiddo. You'll be fine!" He said standing up. "Come on, I'll introduce you to the coach."


"Come on!" His loud enthusiastic voice had me stand up on my own and the fact that he had already left the room I felt rude not to follow him.

I grabbed my bag and quickly followed behind him as we walked down the hallway.

"Your father was a lacrosse player. I mean he wasn't that good but I can see it in your eyes you can take our team back to the heights it was."

I wanted to tell him that I was not interested in joining the team but my tries before were in vain so why should I even bother.

He led me towards the field where a few players were already practicing. The sun felt nice as it was peeking its head out from in between the clouds.

We walked to the benches where a man in his mid-thirties sat dressed up in a casual faded red t-shirt and white shorts.

"Coach Naveed." Principal Finstock said and he looked up with a bored look.

If I'm being honest by looking at the coach I felt the mid-age crisis has started to surround him. He looked tired and utterly done with life.

"This is Allison Stilinski. I want her on the team." Principal Finstock said.

Coach Naveed looked at me and then at the principal. "She can join the team if she passes the try outs."

"Oh trust me. She will."

I'm actually baffled at this man's confidence in me. Just because my dad played lacrosse, does not mean I'll be good at it and to be honest I really don't get lacrosse. I haven't said this to my dad but I believe it's a stupid sports.

"Is that Greenburg's son?" Principal Finstock pointed at a guy playing in the field. I couldn't see who he was pointing at because of the sun stinging in my eyes.

Coach nodded and the Principal smiled. "I'm gonna pat that kid on the shoulder, he's amazing." saying that he left us alone there.

"He's not crazy." Coach Naveed said. "He's just a bit... eccentric. I guess."

I smiled and nodded.

"So he forced you here, didn't he?" He asked and I nodded.

"It's fine. You can go. I'll tell him that you couldn't pass the tryouts." He said.

"Just like that?"

"Yeah, I don't want a girl playing on my team anyways."

"What's that now?"

"Oh. I didn't mean it in a sexist way. It's just we don't have any girls on the team and most of these kids are spoiled brats. I don't want anyone getting mixed up with them."

"What kind of stupid explanation is that?"

Yup. He ticked me.

"You know what. I'll try for the team and if you actually think I'm not suitable for this then fine but if I do good you'll have to give me a place in the team." I said and he chuckled softly.

"Fine. Do whatever you want kid. I didn't mean to be sexist but I guess I came off that way. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

I looked at him and by the expression on his face I can tell he was being serious.

"The tryouts are tomorrow at six in the morning. Don't be late." Saying that he got up and walked past me.

Well, I guess I'm trying out for lacrosse now. Dad would be ecstatic.

The rest of the day just went by. No one really talked to me, just looked at me and whispered to each other. It was a bit weird but I got through it.

Well, hopefully I will be able to leave this school soon.

It was about time to leave but I had a meeting before I could go home. I had to meet Derek Hale. I stepped out of the school's building and saw Abel smiling at me leaned against a blue porsche.

"You're coming with me." He said and I just looked at him in surprise.



Hiiiii.... I'm back. I know i haven't been online much and most you must be thinking that I have abandoned this. But I haven't. I want to stay dedicated to this but I just can't seem to get the time. This wasn't a very interesting chapter but I promise the upcoming Chapters will be interesting and will have some dark twists too 😎

If you're liking the story so far make sure to show your support too. Nothing motivates more than seeing the support of people reading your works ❤️

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