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That slap stung my cheek that I had to touch it while I tried to control my tears. I didn't know if to retaliate back is a good idea because I didn't see it coming and she is way older than me. I looked at the woman and said:" What have I done for you to just come into my house and slap me? Bode, what's all this about?" I asked him.

" You don't know what you have done abi then I will tell you again" The woman which I later came to know as Bode's mother told me and tried to slap me again when someone held her hand from behind. I looked at the person who held her hand and it was my gateman while she struggled to let go of her hand from him,  I used that opportunity to asked Bode's father why he and his family would just come to my house to harass me since Bode decided to keep mute. The man told me that Bode said I was the one he gave the two million nairas he stole from them and I burst into laugh in front of them even though I was boiling in.

"So Bode told you he gave me two million nairas?" I asked him in a sarcastic tone and he nodded his head. Well... I guess you don't know your son then. Fortunately, my phone was with me so I played how Bode normally stole my money before I handed him over to the police and I could see how shocked his father was. His father said they told Bode to help them withdraw the cash from the bank because it was sent to them from his nephew abroad but Bode came home and said I used charm on him and collected the money.  I guess Bode defraud his parents since he didn't see my money to steal again and I wonder when he is going to change. His father asked for my forgiveness  but his mom was abusing me for keeping her son in the cell for the crime he didn't commit and I knew Bode already told her about my bleeding. They were later lead out by my Gateman. I just shook my head in pity and went back inside because their visit was meaningless and I guess the slap was karma for me arresting Bode for the crime he didn't commit.  My mum was just coming downstairs when I came in so she asked me who are the visitor but I told her not to worry that they came to the wrong house.

My mum and I just ended our midnight prayer on the fourth day and we both went to bed. I drifted off to sleep immediately I laid my back on the bed and entered into a dream. In the dream, I was walking alone in a very dark forest that I couldn't see where I was heading to and suddenly a bright light shone on me that it blinded me for some minutes and suddenly everywhere became bright and I was able to see where I was going. I woke up immediately after that even though I didn't understand the dream so waved it off and I went to the restroom to urinate then changed my diaper because the one I was wearing was soaked with my blood.

I woke up the next day with my mom as we both held our hands and prayed. I told my mum I would be going to my office to see how the sales were going and she reminds me not to fight with anybody no matter how tempted I am and I told her have heard her. I decided to go take my bath and change into a comfy dress. I was in my bathroom and was about to take my bath as I removed my diaper when I  noticed there was no single drop of blood on the diaper. I wanted to scream and called my mom but I held myself back and said:" Anisha, don't be too excited What if it just stopped for a while? Don't raise your hopes up just give it time and see if it's coming back " I thought to myself and calm myself down. After taking my bath, I decided I won't put on any diaper to see if I am going to get stain so I decided I won't go to the office again.

I was so happy within myself that the bleeding stop even if it's for a while at least I still have a  glimpse of hope that I am getting healed. I came out of my room after dressing up and heads to the living room. I met my mum sitting on the couch in the living room with her face glued to the TV but praying silently with a rosary in her hand. I sat beside her and she asked me:" Are you not going to work again?".

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