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These people I want to mention inspired me to write the next episode . Abdul-lateef Olatunji Olatomi Abiodun  and Khairat Banuso  thank you so much ♥️.




Ladipo and I were already in the heat of passion as we devoured each other like hungry wolves and I guess we were both sex starved. Ladipo's big hands were already doing wonders on my body as I moaned into his mouth.  Suddenly, he stopped kissing me and stared deeply at my body. I found it rather odd so I had to open my eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly but he ignored me. I also looked down and saw what he was looking at. My dress was drenched with blood like I just aborted a baby or in a crime scene.  I quickly fake a smile and said:" Oops, I never knew it's the time of the month ".  I expected Ladipo to say something but instead, he keeps looking at me like I just killed someone.

"Ladipo, Why are you suddenly quiet? Are you freak by blood? Are you angry it spoils the mood? I am so sorry but it's nature and I can't fight it. Let me go and change, I will be back shortly" I told him calmly then stood up to go inside my room to get changed. I was about to leave when he broke the silence and said:" Anisha, that blood doesn't look like a period to me.

" Yeah, I... I know ladies get stained when their flow comes unexpectedly but you are drenched by your own blood like you are bleeding. Look at the floor, they are all full of your blood even if you have heavy flows, it wasn't supposed to be much like this. I doubt how you didn't collapse after losing this amount of blood. This is not normal Anisha " He said with concern.

I didn't know what to say after what he said. One mind was telling me to come clean and tell him what am facing while the other was telling me I am going to lose him  immediately I tell him my predicament. I think about it and decided to go for the first one. I looked into his eyes and burst into tears which came as a surprise to him.

"Please don't leave me," I told him with tears streaming down my eyes.

"Leave you? Why would I? Is just some blood though is a little too much but I can't leave you because of that. I am just concerned about you " He told me worriedly and stood up facing me.

"I have been lying to you all this while Dipo, I know you might leave me after I am done explaining but at least I would know I didn't lie to you about it, " I told him and I could see him staring at me keenly giving me the go-ahead to say whatever I wanted to say and I know the thought going through is mind is that 'i either aborted or cheated on him '.

I explained how have been bleeding for the past three months and I could see how taken aback he was at my revelation. I told him it wasn't like this before and I am already finding a solution to it. After I was done explaining, he was silent for a while and I thought to myself" Anisha, give it up . You already lose him ".

"Thanks so much for showing me love these past months, I appreciate it and would never forget it. I know our relationship has come to an end which I understand the reason for it and am not holding it against you. I will for......" I could not complete my sentence as I burst into fresh tears and turned to run upstairs into my room.

I was about to climb the first stairs when a hand held me and pulled me back into his hard chest. I turned to face him and tried to talk but he silenced me with his glorious lips.

"Who told you am leaving you? I love you and am ready to stay till we find a solution to it," He said then placed his lips back on mine.  Tears streamed down my face as I shut my eyes and I responded then wrapped my hands around his shoulder.

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