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I was in my large and luxuriously furnished office going through some ledger books my accounting officer dropped on my massive mahogany piece desk when a call came through my phone. I checked the caller and it was Bimpe. I smiled as I picked up the call and said:" Bim bim, you miss me ?" I asked her jokingly on the phone because we just spoke to each other last night and that was how it has been since the day I came to Abuja. When her children are on holiday, she brings them to  Abuja with her to spend two weeks with me before school resumed. Bimpe has proved herself to be ' a friend in need is a friend indeed '. When I first settled in Abuja, she made sure to check up on me every day so I won't die of depression and I guess it worked because she never let me feel I was alone same goes to  my mom too.

Bimpe stood by me when I had nothing in Abuja and was just picking all my pieces up. She never left me alone and that made me realize ' When tough times come, you know who your true friends are'. She would make sure to pray for me  every night on the phone before we call it a day.  Now tell me why I won't be forever grateful to God for giving me a friend like Bimpe. I gave Bimpe five million nairas to start her own business and stop been an employee when my business blossomed and she was more than grateful that day.


"Anisha, I forgot to ask you this yesterday so I had to call you immediately I remembered. How far with you and Bode? " She asked me.

" That one? You better let discuss another thing because Bode matter is not something to talk about at all " I replied in a sarcastic tone.

" Anisha, you are not getting any younger again Who is going to inherit all your wealth? I thought you and Bode are serious but with the way you talked, I guess everything wasn't as rosy I thought it was. You have been dating this guy for one year now and yet no proposal or wedding bells be........ I didn't allow her to finish her sentence before I cut her short and said:" Don't even talk about that wedding bells or proposal because have passed that and I don't think I need it at all. We live once, married once, and died once and I think have done one of what I just mentioned and I am not going to do that again ".

" Anisha, do you want to end up being alone for the rest of your life? At least have a child to call your own for goodness sake " Bimpe told me with concern written in her voice.

" I can't come and stress myself again Bim bim,  what happened to adoption? I will adopt one if needed " I replied her back.

Anisha, you have given up on yourself and I realized that today. Why did you think you can't still have your own happily ever after despite all what you have been through? You are far away from God Nisha and that's why you having this negative thoughts.  Why didn't you come to Lagos and meet my pastor about the deliverance maybe everything....... Don't even go there at all Bimpe, I am not in for any kind of deliverance because God is not blind too " I told her back angrily.

"Let's not talk about that because I can see you are flaring up already. So what is wrong with Uncle Bode too? Bimpe asked me in a sarcastic tone.

" Bimpe, trust me, I never wanted to do this but there are some Red flags that can't be ignored. Bode is a chronic cheater though he is caring and sweet but you see this cheating and Bode , they are like 5&6. You won't believe Bode even spend my own hard-earned money on his side chicks and even got a car for one with my own money. Just look at the audacity? After he is done spending the money with him, he will come back to me crying and begging that he won't cheat on me again and still yet the same thing happens immediately he gets some little change (money) from me.  I can't end up with that kind of man Bimpe, I am only keeping him because he helped me to grease my engine since ' body no be  firewood' I told her in a pidgin English.

RED FLAGS حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن