~Chapter 4~

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Katsuki POV
"Hey we meet again"
Is all he says then he sits down and settles in his chair. As teach is teaching the class I start to wonder........what.......the.......FUCK?!
Everyone in this classroom literally swooned when he said that cocky line. I mean they swoon for me as I walk down the hall but seriously him. HIM?! I mean I guess he is kinda attractive if you look at him at the correct angle. His Emerald green eyes, his green and black curly hair, his freckles that look like stars dancing on his face, his good body shape you can see though the white uniform. As I was think this my face heats up. What the fuck am I thinking about he is just the new kid no one is gonna actually like him. Right?! Yeah.............yeah.

Or so I thought
At lunch
I was walking into the lunch room with shitty hair when I realized something odd. No random girls were sitting at my table it was just my regular friends. What the hell is going on? As I look at it confused and I feel someone tap my shoulder and it was shitty hair. "uh bakubro I found the answer to your question." I follow to where his finger is pointing to and I get pissed. I see the New kid outside on his skateboard holding a girl by her waist and skating on his skateboard in circles. While other people are sitting at the outside tables just watching in awe. " What the fuck is that Momo he is skating with?" "yeah it is damn looks like you got some competition bakubabe ." Me having competition. ME?! The king of the school that girls even guys fawned over and confessed to everyday. The one who everyone treated like a god has competition. I-Impossible that's impossible. "How in the hell does the new kid have everyone fawning over him?" I saw angerly as I sit down and start going on my phone. "what bakubabe you mad cause the new kid is hotter and cuter and kinder then you." " What do people even see in him and also he is NOT HOTTER THAN ME!" "Yes he is and he is nice and a flirt and smart and he is everything perfect in a guy." This conversation with pinky was getting me agitated "Dude you jealous?" Asked shitty hair. " Pft me j-jealous of what the new kid as if I would be jealous shitty hair." "holy shit you are!" "What I'm not I just said I wasn't you idiot!" How hell does this new kid come and get the 2nd most attractive person in this school to swoon over him?! I-it doesn't even make sense. My thoughts get interrupted by a loud bang of doors opening and running. As everyone looks at the sudden sound inly to witness the new kid running with his skateboard in his hand as a teacher chases him. "HEY GET BACK HERE!" "I'm sorry I didn't know about the rule!" "THEN STOP RUNNING!" "Why though this is fun!" You can see the new kid smiling widely as he is trying to get away from the teacher. All the girls that were in the courtyard are now watching in awe. I cant help but watch but what he did next was unexpected.
Izukus POV
As I was running around the cafeteria away from the teacher. I jumped over a table getting a lot of awe's from girls so I did the most cocky thing ever. I blew them a kiss. Then I realized the teacher was catching up to I grabbed my "stalker friend" and started skating around while pulling him. "Hey let go Nerd!" "Aww but why not skate with me!" Soon he lifted his feet onto the board and I just pushed around the cafeteria. I was holding his hand and my other was on his shoulder as his hands was my my waist. -jeez his eyes are quite beautiful- I thought as I got lost in his eyes. "WHAt the hell are you looking at!?" He yelled. "Izuku Midoriya!" "Huh?" "My name is Izuku Midoriya." He just looked at me in shock for a bit then replied. "Katsuki Bakugo." "Nice to meet you....... stalker." When he glared at me I thought it was hot -damn im kinda turned on- is what I thought to myself. Then the bell ranged so I stopped my skateboard and he hopped off and walked away with a Tch sound.
As I was about to walk away i felt a hard grip on my forearm. To realized I've been caught and they also got Katsuki to join me. "Ha sorry Kat~suki~" I said looking at him then getting pulled away into the principal office.

Time skip 😁

Nobody's POV
As Izuku and Katsuki sit in the principals waiting for their parents to arrive. "I don't think this really necessary I didn't know I could ride my skateboard on school ground." Izuku said in a skitter tone.

Izuku  Principal Nezu   Katsuki   Madison

"Well why did you run away Mr.Midoriya."
"Ew don't call me that that's my dad just call me Izuku please."
"You caused quite a commotion on your first day Izuku."
"Ok so why am I being involved with his mess again?"
"You were with him and the teacher just brought you here."
"So what I just met him today mouse man"
(he isn't a mouse just short and white)
"Thats bullshit and you know it Katsuki."
"Sorry Mr.Nezu."
Ring Ring Ring
"Let's me get that! He picks up the phone. "Oh ok just send her up.........oh ok........hmm....ok thank you!"
"Who was that?"
"Your mother just arrived Izuku and Bakugo your Parents are busy so they will just come when school is over."
"Well shit um when she comes just don't say anything about what she does please I apologize for her ahead of time."
"Huh what are you talking about?"
Slams the door open and stomps toward Izuku.
-Here we go-
Backhand slaps izuku in the face really hard.
Izuku head moved the way the slap did and her ring scratched izuku face so now it's bleeding. Izuku puts his hand up to his cheek and wipes the blood of his cheek
"Uh Mrs.Midoriya I don't think that's necessary." Looks at Izuku in worry.
"No it's necessary I'm sorry Izuku is such a troublesome child. He's always been an ungrateful child such a brat of one also. Me and my husband are terribly sorry for his burden he has put on you today. I'll make sure he never does anything like this again. She now her head down and grabs izuku behind the neck and pushes his head down. As she is making Izuku bow his head she squeezes it.  And Bakugo and Nezu just watch in worry."Now Izuku stop being so troublesome and apologize Right Now!"
"I'm s-sorry."
"No it's really fine really."
"Ok well I'll be taking him home now. Come on Izuku you've been troublesome enough." 
As Izuku stands up and Them both start walking to the door.
"Actually he will have to go to detention so he can't go home!."
"Ah I see." She says looking at Izuku. "Well I'll be going now I' won't be able to pick him up after detention to get a taxi or walk home or whatever." She says with an eye roll and walks out his office.
"Um you have your last class then both of you have detention and uh Izuku are you o-"
"Ok I'm gonna go to class after I go to the bathroom. Goodbye Mr.Nezu ill be going! Izuku smiled brightly before walking out and running to the bathroom. He left before he saw Nezu give Bakugo a look and a nod.

The jock and the SkaterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin