Part 9

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I screamed as I fell and then when I finally hit the ground what felt like an eternity I began crying harder because of the pain. *crying already and we haven't even began yet. So sad st st st* He continued by grabbing my hair and then drag me over to a room and trow me against the wall. 

Pov. Liva

I whined in pain and then I curled up in a ball ready for the pain to come but it never came. I opened my eyes and he wasn't there. Suddenly he grabbed my hair and he pushed my face in a bucked of water. I tried kicking and slapping around me but it didn't work. After a few seconds I thought I was going to pass out but right before I passed out he pulled me up. It's like he just knew when to pull me up before I passed out. I tried catching my breath but after just a seconds or two he pushed my head back in. Again right before I passed out he pulled me up *no no no please please* I tried yelling but it sounded like a whisper. *you want me to stop* he said with a sarcastic, pouty face. *yeah please stop please I'm beggi..* I couldn't even finish my sentence because he already pushed me back in the water but now he didn't bring me up I kept kicking but it didn't work. I started to see black spots and before I knew it I was out.

Pov. Jack

I needed Liva to pass out so that she would be weaker when she woke back up. When she stopped struggling and I knew that she was out, I pulled her back up. I checked her pulls just to be sure and thank god she was still breathing. I carried her back to the same wall as before but know I put chains on her feet. I left her there and got to the best wall in the house. Everything that you could imagine was here, from knives to daggers to guns and an electric chair.... . I started sharpening some knives until Liva woke up.

Pov. Liva

I woke up with a massive headache. I tied moving until I realized that I was chained. 'wtf what happened' and then everything stared to come back. Out of nowhere Jack came out *w-what are y-you d-doing* I asked trying to hide my fear 'dammed Liva now he know your scared' I thought to myself . He just stared smiling like a psychopath. *P-please let me go* *No* *w-why* *because you deserve this. And a little bit of fun doesn't hurt anybody right* he said still smiling. 'what is wrong with this dude. How does he like this. How does Logan allow this. I don't want this. I did nothing wrong I just want to see my family again.' . I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize that Jack was still in front of me. Until a punch brought me back to reality. 

Pov. Jack

What is wrong with this girl, it's like she is in another reality. *Liva.. hey..answer me* well since she isn't going to answer me I'll have to bring her back. I punched her in the face. 'That felled good' I thought to myself. Liva whined in pain. *Omg that sounds like music to my ears*. *Are you crazy, why the f*ck did you punch me!!* Liva yelled. *HEY..don't you ever yell at me again you little bitch!!* I stared kicking and punching her until I felled a little better. Liva at this point was a crying mess with blood all over her. *Take of your clothes*. Liva looked at me wide eyed. *w-what did you s-say* she said stuttering . *Take.of.your.clothes.* I said again now getting a little annoyed again. *n-no..why* *Take of your damm clothes!!!* I yelled. I calmed down a bit and said *take of your pants and shirt so that you still have your bra and under where on. Unless you want me to help you* She didn't move an inch so I came closer to her and pulled her up so that she was standing know and pushed her with her face against the wall. *S-stop p-please* she cried out. I came closer to her ear so that she could feel me breathing in her neck and said *take. of. your. clothes. It's the last time that I'm asking it nice.* 

I got of her and immediately she fell to the ground *so weak* I mumbled so she couldn't hear. I took of the chain on her feet so that she could take of her pants. I knew she wouldn't run away she can't even stand. She slowly took of her shirt and then her pants and curled up in a ball while silently crying. I walked to the wall and took a metal base ball bat.

Pov. Logan

Liva walked away with Jack and suddenly Liva started screaming, a silent tear escaped my eye hearing her in pain. Ryan came up to me and gave me a hug *hey man it's okay, she is going to be okay come* he pulled me on the couch and we started the camera to look what they were doing.  I couldn't bare to see Liva get hurt, but I don't trust Jack so we all watched. 

Pov. Mason

When Jack tolled Liva to take of her clothes I looked in Logan's direction. His fist was in a ball ready to punch somebody. I then looked at Mason and the rest to find then all getting frustrated the only one who liked this whole hurt Liva thing was Jack himself. 

Pov. Liva

Jack came back to me with a metal bat *J-Jack please d-don't* I tried saying but he didn't listen and just want all out. I was screaming in agony *PLEASE ...jack..... STOOOP........I-IT HURTSS....aaaaaaaaaaaa* He kept hitting me really hard suddenly he took my arm and hit it as hard as he could you could literally hear my arm break . I screamed in pain and he well he just laughed. He kept going on while I screamed *L-Logan... Help Logan P-Please.......It h-hurts* I kept screaming until he stopped for a second 'I'm in pain and I didn't call for my mom no I called for my kidnapper. what is wrong with me. I like him why do I like him Why do I feel safe with him'  I was deep in thought again util I saw the exit I couldn't walk because everything hurt. I tried crawling with the hand that is not broken. But then Jack saw me and he grabbed my hair again (see image) *Trying to get away are you* *n-no i..* Jack hit me and I started to see all black again until I passed out.

Pov. Mason

Everybody was looking at the screen. *L-Logan... Help Logan P-Please.......It h-hurts* Liva cried out. We all looked at Logan again, a tear escaped his eye again knowing he can't do anything to stop this

Pov. Liva

I woke up in allot of pain, I tried moving but I realized I was tied to a chair with all these wires attached to me. *H-Hello h-help* I tried yelling but my voice was hurt bad because of the screaming. I immediately started screaming in pain when I felled a shock go through my body. *S-stooop!!! aaaaaaaaaa!* Then it stopped and Jack stood in front of me *does it hurt darling* *I'm not your darling!* I yelled back and then the pain came again. I kept screaming until it stopped. *i-I'm sorry please stop..anything but this p-please* I begged *OMG your such a baby're lucky that I'm so nice today otherwise I would do it again* He took the wires of and came back with a knife. *w-what are y-you doing* I asked shacking a little because he had the knife at my neck.

*Oh nothing darling I'm just..* Then he started carving the knife in my back. I screamed again. *does it hurt* I didn't answer him so he started carving the knife in my legs. *Y-Yeah it h-hurts S-STOP P-Please!!* he stopped *please I can't do this anymore please stop I won't run away again I will listen please stop please * I cried out and begged him. *finally I broke you. Was that so hard know no it isn't right* He started untying me *You're losing allot of blood you know* he said I didn't answer him but as soon as he untied me I run out of the exit with the last bit of strength I had left in me.

Pov. Logan

Jack was finally done and Liva ran out of the room upstairs. She looked so weak and broken. She ran in front of me and the rest of the guys. She saw my teary eyes and before she passed out on the ground she said *d-don't cry* after that she fell down on the ground. She was all bloody and wounded. *G-Guys start the cars we are going to our personal hospital* I picked Liva up in bridal style and we got in the car with all the boys except for Jack. We were almost there when Liva woke up. She whined in pain and whispered *L-Logan I-It hu-hurts* and she started crying. *Ssh ssh it's okay come here* and I pulled her in a hug she whined in pain again *Oh I-I'm sorry* I said with a guilty look on my face. *I-It's o-okay* she said before passing out again. 


Hello everyone,

first of all thank you so much for reading my book. I really appreciate it. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know so I can answer them later in a Q&A about the characters. Or maybe I can use some fun ideas of you guys in my book.

I will see you guys in the next chapter


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