Part 7

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next day

Pov. Liva

I wake up and try to stand up but I fall back and then I realize that Logan is hugging me. I lay back down and I start staring at him. *Do you like the view* he asks. 'O shit' I think to myself *W-what* *do you like the view* *euhm y-yeah I think..I don't know* he chuckled at my response. *Are you okay?* he asks. *euhm..yeah I'm scared tho* I said getting shivers all over my body by thinking of him. *He won't hurt you- but what if he does, I mean you don't know he can find me and a-and..* I cut him of. He pulled me into a hug when he saw that I was tearing up again.

Pov. Logan

After I calmed Liva down again I told her we were going shopping today. She needed to get her mind of things for a while and you know new clothes don't ever hurt anybody right. I got up and got ready before I headed downstairs to make breakfast while Liva was getting ready now to. 

Authors Pov.

Liva got downstairs to Logan. She was wearing a tight, short skirt and a long sleeve black fitting shirt with black heels, some jewelry, a bag and a jacket. Logan was wearing a black suit. Logan saw Liva walk in and started staring at her. *Why are you staring at me, you're making me feel uncomfortable..* said Liva. Logan stopped staring and said * reason, you just look really really good*. There fell an awkward silence until Logan said that he made breakfast. *I'm not hungry* said Liva. *yes you are* said Logan. *no I'm not* she argued back. *I don't care, you're going to eat* *fine*she said as she gave up.

 Pov. Liva

After we were done eating Logan said that we were going to leave to the mall in 5 minutes. Hearing that I run as fast as I could to the bathroom to look in the mirror to be sure I looked good. *Liva are you coming!* Logan yelled from downstairs. *I'm coming*. I walked downstairs to the front door were Logan was standing. *Finally* he said annoyed. I just rolled my eyes in response but he didn't see it. We walked to the car and drove to the mall.

In the car

Logan: *Liva listen*

Liva: nodded in response 

Logan: *first of all, there are bodyguards coming with us for safety*

Liva: *okay*

Logan: *second, don't try anything*

Liva: *what do you mean try anything?* I knew what he meant but I didn't care 

Logan: *you know what I mean*

Liva: *No I don't*

Logan: *LIVA...* he yelled loud

Liva: flinched bad at the yelling remembering the yelling of her ex 

Logan: *sorry..are you okay* he asked my trembling body 

Liva:  *y-yeah*

Logan: after a few minutes of silence he said *What I meant was, that you can't run away or ask for help. That stuff understand*

Liva: *Yeah understand*

A while later

Pov. Liva

I know Logan told me not to try anything but we all know I will try. I have to take every chance I have to get out even tho I'm kind of starting to like Logan and some of the others. But I'm just to scared of Jack and well my freaking ex who apparently also joined some mafia. I needed to get out of here. I was so full in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that we already walked in some store. Logan had his hand around me all the time (look in the picture above). I needed to act like I wasn't going to try anything so I actually looked for clothes that I liked. 

a while later

We have looked in a lot of stores and bought allot of things not only clothes also make-up, skincare, shoes,.. . If you can buy anything and you didn't have to pay why not I thought to myself. *We are going have soon* Logan said. *okay* I said out loud but inside I am screaming. Okay I need to find a way out of here quick. I can't ask people because Logan is with me all the time. Maybe when everybody is distracted, omg yes I have an idea. When we walk to the car and then when Logan is putting stuff in the car I can run. Because the bodyguards will also be distracted. Okay that's the plan.

An hour later

*Liva, come lets go home I'm tired. And it's already getting dark outside* whined Logan. *Okay fine* I said. We walked out the store to our car, wait did I say our I mean Logan's car. Okay I need to do this. I can do this. The bodyguards and Logan started putting bags in the cars. I waited until nobody was paying attention to me. "Okay Now" a voice said in my head. I made a run for it as fast as I could. O shit the f*cking heals. They slowed me down but I couldn't take them of because Logan was already running after me, I knew if I stopped he would catch on to me I had no choice but keep running. Suddenly I tripped over a god dam rock. Godddd why am I so clumsy. I got up again the keep running but Logan had got me already. *st st st..Liva you did it again. This was your last warning, the third. Now I'll have no choice but to punish you* he wasn't even out of breath well he wasn't exactly running but still. *B-But* *Nothing but love, I'm sorry. Now you do have a choice. Or you come with me again and be a good girl and then your punishment will be less..painful or you make a scene and it will be worse. Your Choice* he said. I did forget about the punishments and the rules. I had no choice I would get it either way. *I-I'll come with you* I said scared with my head looking down at the ground.

Pov. Logan

Some think I actually like doing this but in truth it broke my heart I love her and now I'll have to let her get hurt bad. And I didn't want that but I have to she needs to learn. Liva and I walked back to the car and I drove back home. She didn't say a word she just stared out in front of her into nothingness. I kept looking at her every so often. But suddenly a tear rolled down her face and then another one and another one, she looked hurt, broken, sad, scared for what is going to come. I wanted to comfort her but I knew she was probably mad right now so I didn't do anything. When we got home I stepped out of the car and walked to the other side to open the door for Liva because I knew she didn't want to come inside. The bodyguards took all the bags inside so Liva could organize them and put it away later. *Liva...* she looked at me while tears kept falling down from her eyes. I picked her up and hugged her she just let me but didn't hug back. *I'm sorry Liva, but you did it to yourself* I said, I know it sounded heartless but she got herself into it. She didn't answer instead she run away inside to our room.


Hi everyone,

I hope you liked this part of the story. I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I really appreciate you guys reading my story. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know so I can answer them later in a Q&A about the characters. Or maybe I can use some fun ideas of you guys in my book.

I will see you guys in the next chapter


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