[Chapter Twenty-Six]

Start from the beginning

“I can’t wait to marry him.” she smiled at me too

“Neither can he.” She put her hand on mine and I sighed, she had that calming effect my mother always had on me and I was glad she was here.

“I’m sorry for not having you there when I picked out my dress.” She patted my hand

“Don’t worry about it baby, I’ll see it next weekend.” And I didn’t know what to say, I felt like I didn’t deserve her kindness right now and this whole thing would have been so much easier if I had let her help me from the start.

Next weekend I had no choice but to have the girls fitted for their dresses and they would either take it in a little extra or just hope they didn’t drop a noticeable amount of baby weight in those two weeks.

Trista was working in New York which was fantastic so she could go with us for shoes and everything else and make sure it fit and would be able to be at the fitting, Chases mom was coming with us this time and she would get to see my dress as well, it was my third fitting and I was hoping everything would be fixed from last time because if not I was going to have a meltdown.

I did the last time, I went by myself and everything was just wrong with the dress and it fit horribly, I was two weeks out at this point and I needed it to be right or at least ninety five percent right; just no major issues.

I was antsy in the car on the way into the city and when we got there Trista was waiting and she gave Linda a huge hug, I don’t know the last time those two saw each other. We went down stairs and they were pretty much connected at the hip as Linda sat outside and we all went to a room to put on our dresses.

I closed my eyes as they put the dress on me and laced it up; I was terrified at what I would be looking at but at least It didn’t feel too tight. I opened my eyes slowly and sighed in relief, this was pretty much the first good thing that’s happened in weeks.

I opened the curtain and Linda looked over from Trista who was already out to me and she smiled and her eyes watered as she stood up.

“You look beautiful honey.” She put her hands on my arms and looked the dress over and then pulled me in for a hug

“Thank you.” I couldn’t help but cry, this is what I wanted from my mom but having this moment with Chase’s mom meant almost as much to me, she was going to be my mother-in-law technically but she would always be more than that.

“He’s going to swallow his tongue when he sees you.” she said and I laughed, she pulled away and wiped the tears from my face

“Don’t cry, your mother would think you were the most beautiful thing in this and every day, I know they’re proud of you and they would have loved that you were marrying such a great guy, though I am biased as a mom.” She smiled and I laughed again and nodded.

“They would, they loved him.” I wiped at my face again and she smiled sadly at me.

“It’s all going to be okay.” She kissed my forehead and I haven’t felt this in a while, that kind of love your parents make you feel but I liked it and I hugged her again as she ran her fingers through my hair, there were a bunch of other people around but this was our moment right now.

“Thank you for being here.” She made it so much better.

“Anytime and when you need me to babysit my grandbabies you can call then too, I’m definitely looking forward to those” She said and I blushed, I know that we were planning on kids soon but his mom bringing them up was a tad awkward.

“Well then you’ll be happy to know that we do intend on starting a family soon.” I told her and she smirked.

“Guess it will be a good honeymoon then.” She said and I couldn’t believe she said that! I turned a brighter shade of red and the girls laughed

“Aunt Linda leave her alone.” Trista wrapped an arm around me and Linda just shrugged.

“We’re all adults here.” True, but she was my fiancé’s mother, not just any adult, though she was always pretty cool and laid back when she wasn’t working.

“So girls, how do they fit?” I turned to Monica and Rochelle who were still laughing “Oh don’t even, you two have kids which means we know what you guys were doing.” I crossed my arms and they shrugged

“I’m married, I don’t care.” Monica said

“And I just don’t care.” Rochelle said, of course they didn’t. out of the tress of us they were always the most open with sex and such and I was the shy one, though it appears they had better luck with guys.

Much to my horror, Monica was drunk one night and went on and on about how incredible my brother was in bed, at sixteen, so objectively I can only assume it went up from there but it didn’t stop me from gagging and cringing and wanting to hit myself in the head with a hammer or something in hopes that I could have unheard everything she said, this was right before she found out she was pregnant.

Rochelle was no stranger to detail sharing but it was a lot more bearable since the guys she was with weren’t related to me but me, well I had a couple shitty guys who made for years of low expectations and bad experiences and have only come to figure out since I’ve been with Chase that sex is a actually fantastic and enjoyable thing.

If Chase and I could be into what we’re into I don’t want to know what they could be into.

I got out of my head and back to the fitting, their dresses fit okay, they were a little big which was better than too small and the lady said they would be easy to take in, that it wouldn’t be too much work really and Trista’s fit perfectly after only one fitting.

After everything was pinned for alterations we made an appointment to come back next weekend, which was cutting it way too close for my liking and we went shopping, my treat to the girls. I just wanted them to feel pretty after they spent months feeling unattractive and it would be nice to have a shopping day to bond a little.

First we went to the store to look for a dress for Linda, I wish I would have gotten on this sooner so she could have picked something out and we could have ordered it but it just was too late even with offering to pay a rush fee so we went to a couple smaller dress shops and if it needed small alterations it wouldn’t be a problem.

She really wasn’t picky so she had no problem going in, looking and finding this deep green dress that she loved and I already knew it would look fantastic on her, she was a beautiful woman and she wasn’t petite or large, she just looked great, especially for being nearly fifty, she looked closer to forty really.

It took one dress and she already was sold on it, they had it in a good size for her, it was a tad big but they said no problem to get it fixed for next weekend and then it was the fun part, accessory shopping.

Which is why we were now headed to the mall my dress was made for five inch heels and that was what I needed to find, I know it’s a bad idea to get your dress fitted before having them but yet again it comes down to time.

I was going with white with some color to them and as we were to look at custom shoes I couldn’t believe how much money we’ve spent on this wedding, I didn’t know weddings could cost this much. Granted I wasn’t concerned about money but it was still insane.

When I had brought it up to Riley he told me that his was just as bad and not to feel guilty about it but I did a little, it helped we were trying to keep with smaller businesses since you’re money made a bigger difference to them than larger places but it was just a lot to swallow for things that were just going to be used one day, one day that was coming really quickly

I can’t believe we were only two weeks out, in two weeks I was going to be a wife, Chase’s wife. These past few months have gone by ridiculously fast but I wasn’t getting cold feet and I wasn’t scared about making a mistake, I believed with everything I had that he was the man I was supposed to spend my life with. 

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