"Consider it on the house. And we don't do underage. That was a filthy lie" "Oh I know I was testing!" "You really don't wear a trenchcoat" "I do can't you see the blue?" "You've....po-" "Yes and do I look like a bum?" "No more canon than I thought. Tell me thoughts on Jorel?" "Oh she's brilliant!" "Your son isn't from around these parts is he?" "Another planet whole other sanctuary" "He's an alien?" "Well technically so I am I?" "How do you know each other" Chan spoke up. "Oh I used to live near the square. I was a regular here as ......a friend" "Oh!" The young boy spoke, "My planet is your equivalent of a town in...well....he saved me from the rabbit plague and now we travel through a key" "I thought it was a..." "Well they never get me right" he smiled towards the cashier. "Here it's yen do you take it?" "Just this once I think we will" she smiled.

"And keep the extra pounds" he handed her a pound of gold. "Tell me Zone Captor where was it are you from?" "The Orion nebula known as Mialka here in your parts" "Mailka" she smiled. "Yes I know that planet. We do have a regular here who is a crack of you" "Allow him. But never the yod" "Why is that?" "Because he'll get the key one day and we can't be having that.." and like that they were out of the tiny shop in England.

They were soon on a trolly. "What is this thing?" "Oh it's public transportation" on the bus they saw three mimes sitting in front. Each making fun of the couple of men. One was being quite lewd.
"Pay her no mind" Zone said to his friend. "She's funny though" soon she mimed a giant hammer and one of the mimes which started oozing pink from his head. "Uh oh" Chan looked with caution. The train started moving bizarrely as one of the mimes pretended to drive as pink began to ooze from his hands and the head of the trolly driver. "Zone!" Chan screamed. "On it" Zone mimed a vine. "Chan grab on" "but professor theirs nothing there!" "Trust me" Chan clung to him and he mimed swinging from a vine to landing in the square ofLlondon as the red bus trolly crashed. Pink ooze looking blood but discolored and flame arose many people were injured. "Looks like theirs aliens afoot" Zone muttered. "Visitors from another world!" Chan was shaking with excitement. "Fraid so"

Chan and him booked a stay in an inn. "ah a queen?" "No two twins" Zone muttered irritated at the assumption. "Sorry I assumed the worst" the woman flirted with Chan changing the tone of her voice. "So new to London?" "Quite, from around other parts" Zone said montone putting his hands in his light blue trenchcoat. "Mm I see. What parts?" "Ghana!" Zone lied. "We're from Ghana" "Actually I am from the rain peoples of-" "Ghana!" Zone continued. "We're west African" "ohhh" she said surprised. "Yes you do have an English accent. It must be similar over there. But the boy you're with sounds American" "He's from another tribe its African you wouldn't understand" Zone said talking out of his bum moving his hand away with excuses. "Well here's your keys that will be 42 pounds for three nights" "why so cheap?" "Because we know missionaries. And we have special arrangements for them. You two despite not claiming such fit the bill" as they moved their things to their room they passed a sad clown mime on the elevator. He mimed a tear as his eyes watered. "I will" Zone said noticing the sad clown. "But no fangs to do it" The crying clown burst out in a silent laugh. It was astounding to Chan.

Soon they were in their room. "I have never stayed in a hotel before~" Chan plopped onto the bed. "Yes well we have the keys to our home worst case scenario" "Yes why rent?" He made a face and put his finger to his chin "Why not?" Zone asked. "Reminder we're here to explore and possibly save a few folks you do remember the talk I gave you about my pandorla?" "I remember! Always the wrong place wrong time. Theirs always someone you need to save or untie with~ I remember well" He pulled out some creme from his pock

"May I wear my cherub markings in private" "Oh this is a hotel they can't stop you here" "He painted a mint green and white skull on his face with curly cheeks. "I was always given the villain in my tribe but you Zone" Chan paused "never saw me in that light. Why? This character he's evil" "No he's misunderstood" "How you do you know?" "Because if I had markings like yours" Zone passed a brush he pulled from his pockets seemingly out of nowhere "they'd be pink and I'd be the same person just seen as a lesser ill" Chan smiled. "I knew you good of heart" ""And I know you good of soul. So what do you think is up with the clowns?" "I think they are kids" "Kids as in aliens?" "That is correct"

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