Episode 32: Just Zan Nightbane

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Zanböngfar began to move again. The battle began anew and panic spread throughout the world since everyone could see the battle simply by looking at the sky. The fear of the people began to flow around the world. Zanböngfar was having the meal of his life as the fear flowed into his tails.

The hopes of the Dream Knights were shattered as they saw my body lying on the ground.

"Wh-What d-do we do now?" Victoria asked.

Ayumi charged towards Zanböngfar screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Ayumi! Don't be reckless!" Ai screamed at her.

As they stared at the beast, they noticed its chest area beginning to glow bright.

"Ayumi! Watch out!" Ai screamed.

Zanböngfar inhaled deeply and spewed out a stream of flames. Ayumi froze in her tracks as the flames narrowly missed her. For a moment, she felt her former fear begin to return.

She heard gasps of terror and shock and when she turned to look at the reason why, her own eyes widened in terror. There was nothing left of me but a pile of hot ashes.

"Now let's see him attempt to rise again!" Zanböngfar's voice echoed.

"I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!" Ayumi roared as she upgraded the Pyrogeysers to their active form and slashed at Zanböngfar angrily.

Zanböngfar's wounds healed immediately and considering his body mass, anyone's attempt to attack him could be equated to the sting of a mosquito bite. He attempted to pound Ayumi into the ground but she evaded and attacked him with the Thousand Fiery slices technique. Face activated his Blade Of Hope and rushed behind Zanböngfar.

Victoria frowned.

"I am Victoria Arthur, true successor to the bloodline of the original Arthur Pendragon; but my sigil's true form is none other than the legendary bow of Orion! You will pay for killing Zan, Zanfar!" Victoria roared as her crossbow transformed into an ivory bow.

An arrow made of crystal materialized. Victoria pulled it to its full length and aimed for Zanböngfar's heart. She released her arrow just as Face chopped off two of Zanböngfar's serpent headed tails and Ayumi dealt damage to its main body. Her arrow pierced its body but now the rest of Zanböngfar's tails were aiming for Face, its feet were aiming for Ayumi and its heads were aiming to incinerate Victoria with breath attacks.

"I AYUMI KIRISAWA! TRUE HEIRESS AND SUCCESSOR TO THE BURNING PATH OF COURAGE DO SUMMON THEE PYROGEYSERS!!! UPGRADING PYROGEYSERS LEVEL ONE TO BLAZE SIGIL LEVEL ZERO!!! AWAKEN...SHINSEI RYUENJINN!!!" Ayumi called as a great amount of flame escaped from her body and knocked Zanböngfar into the air throwing him off balance and causing both his tail and breath attacks to miss.

In that instant, Fenrir and Ryuuji Kirisawa cleared Face and Victoria safely out of the way but they were reminded just how fearful a creature Zanböngfar was when its attacks reduced every building in its path to ashes including everything else.

"H-H-How horrible" Victoria shivered.

All over Dream City, people were panicking. No one cared anymore. Some people were trying to find safety; religious people saw this as a chance to draw closer to the God they felt they had forsaken for so long. But some people also saw this as a rare opportunity to do all the foolish things they couldn't normally do. Arälpheisl, Ananse, Darag-Arokna, Emma Colette and the other man watched silently. They watched and waited to see what would happen next yet they had no intention of interfering with mankind's affairs. Mankind had brought this on themselves because it was an undisputed fact that Zanfar is a force only as strong as mankind would allow it to be and if it was this strong, then man would have to find a way to deal with it since they caused it.

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