Episode 22: Chaotic Resonance

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It was midnight in Dream City; a silent, gloomy midnight. After leaving the Kirisawas, I went to live with my distant Uncle Ananse. I couldn't tell him what had happened and what I had learnt since I knew Ananse was bound to overreact if not over retaliate in one way or the other. I knew how cunning and conniving Ananse was and I knew by now, he already knew the whole truth himself...but no way in hell was he going to hear it from my lips! He'd insult me silly for living in the house of my enemies; then congratulate me later for the money in his possession. That sly devil had used the wages Mr Kirisawa was paying me to open APDSA (Ananse Palm-wine Drinkers Sponsorship Association) everywhere in our homeland, dear Ghana. When I found out, I wanted to slap the hell outta him but I hadn't become that depraved...yet.

I sat at a corner in my room, in the darkness, with the lights out and the windows open, weeping silently and angrily at how stupid I had been all the while.

Fifteen minutes later, a chilly wind began to blow and the white curtains fluttered eerily. It began to drizzle slowly, then with a sudden flash of lightning and a thunderclap that cracked the glass window of my room, it began to rain heavily. I recalled the morning after I had discovered that I was Zanfar reborn. It was the same day Ayumi kissed me. The present atmosphere was not so different. Thinking about it made me angrier.

"Would she go that far just to keep me within arm's length...in case I became a threat? Was I always on a leash without realizing it? How long has Ayumi known? How could she bear to look me in the eyes every single day knowing that...she was the one that...! UNNGHHH!!!" I growled and hit the wall with the side of my fist. "So you've also always believed that...I am an abomination that doesn't deserve to live, haven't you...Ayu?" I muttered sadly and buried my face in my knees.

Even if my head told me I despised Ayumi Kirisawa and my heart burned with rage, everything else told me that I was still in love with her.


The feeling was mutual. Ayumi was bedridden, almost paralyzed (don't worry, I ain't looping any crazy plots. Just consider it a coincidence).

She was in fact feeling much worse than I was. Ai sat beside her to comfort her. Mr Kirisawa had arrived home to see Ayumi in a lot of pain. He wasted no time in travelling to the Dream World to seek answers from Bamané. Ai remained beside her sister to comfort her.

"He hates me. He really hates me. Zan hates me" Ayumi wept.

She had refused to eat anything and preferred to be alone since those two days ago I learnt the truth. It was presently the 29th of December 2011. Two days later, we'd face a Nightmare the likes of which all of humanity would almost never recover from.

Ai brought Ayumi some food to eat but she wasn't interested in eating anything.

"Ayu, you've got to eat something. At least try to recover some strength" Ai said.

"Maybe it would be better if I just died. I don't deserve to live. I..." Ayumi continued to cry.

"Don't say that! If you don't want to think about yourself, at least think about how dad and I would feel?! Think about Mom! Do you want her sacrifice to be in vain?! She died to protect us! If you die, you'll throw away her feelings! Think about Zan too! He may hate you now but I'm sure even he would not wish for your death!" Ai scolded Ayumi.

Ayumi covered her eyes with the back of her hand.

"How can I live knowing that Zan hates me?" she said.

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