Episode 20: The One Who Moves Forces

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Ai stared at the figure before her, and then at Prince. Both seemed like possible enemies now but regardless of that fact, Prince was still human. Ai knew she couldn't bring herself to slay an enemy for as long as the enemy was human. With regards to the replica of herself, she had no qualms about dealing a fatal blow but Prince had a family and a circle of friends who would ask questions...or so she thought. She couldn't be sure about that.

The figure standing before her stretched out an arm.

"I need thee to stand aside whilst I deal with the trash" the figure said as the mist surrounding Ai solidified to form a cloudy orb.

The orb was solid in nature and couldn't be destroyed so easily.

Ai had made a mental calculation of its density when she touched it. It would be tough to break but not impossible with her degree of strength but there was something wrong. The orb was far weaker than those put up by past enemies she had fought. It was almost as though this evil soul had purposely done this to mock her. The orb wasn't so dense that Prince couldn't see through and Ai couldn't risk exposing the Dream World's Realities to Prince. The panic arising from such a discovery would be enough to serve as a catalyst for Zanfar's awakening since a lot of bitter feelings could be born from it.

Ai decided to let things progress naturally till she found a chance to act.

The Evil Soul approached Prince and as it approached him, its form slowly changed till it became an exact replica of Prince.

Ai wondered why the evil soul would expose its process of transformation to its victims.

The evil soul glanced at her and smiled.

"I knoweth that which troubleth thee Ai Kirisawa. Humans art not the brightest of creation. Even beasts wouldst grasp the danger instinctively however...humans weigh truth against their own logic and discardeth that which they canst not comprehend. That serveth as their greatest weakness and it is thus...our greatest fort. Even after revealing all of this to a human, he wouldst still be deceived by anything I speaketh. Yes...for as long as there liveth a concept of "logic" and "intelligence" as defined by thine human standards... "lying to a human would always be possible even after revealing to thee...the complete truth...from Alpha to Omega" Decay said.

His lips didn't seem to move and it was as though he were speaking directly within Ai's mind.

"Hmmph! The naivety of humans confounds even a being of great pride as mineself" Decay said.

Then he turned to Prince.

"Prince Asante...thou didst not hesitate to speak of humans, time...and reflection as though thine limited human mind couldst grasp such powerful abstract concepts as those. Therefore, I take it upon mineself to instruct thee in the errors of thine limited and fragile understanding" Decay said.

Prince stared at him in horror.

"I wilt now explain to thee...mine preferred mode of operation. I wilt reveal to thee thine experiences without which thou couldst not have become the despicable being thou art today. For every action thou attempteth to justify, mine likeness wilt become more and more like thine. If by the time I am done with thee, thou hath not learnt the errors of thine ways, I wilt assimilate thee completely and thine existence wilt completely and instantaneously be erased. Well then...hast thou the resolve...to face mine judgement?"

Ai opened her eyes in shock.

"What is he saying?!" she exclaimed in horror.

The figure turned to her and smirked.

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