Episode 11: What Gift To Bring Thee

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It was morning in the Kirisawa residence. I woke up feeling very excited.

"Today is my nineteenth birthday! Yeah man!" I cheered myself, got down from my bed and ran to the bathroom.

In less than a minute, I had finished bathing but I was so excited that I didn‟t towel myself properly so when I dressed and headed downstairs, I pretty much looked like a drowned German shepherd. Ayumi and Ai stared with me with mouths wide open and sarcastic expressions on their faces.

"What‟s wrong? I don‟t like the looks on your faces?" I said angrily.

Ayumi walked to me and held my hand, then she rubbed my hand in my hair and showed it to me. My hand was soapy.

"Heh heh! I guess this isn‟t one of my cool looks eh?" I said nervously and ran up the stairs.

"Ayu, don‟t tell him that we know about his birthday" Ai whispered to Ayumi.

"Sssshhhh! If you keep saying it he‟ll find out!" Ayumi whispered sharply.

At that moment, Mr Kirisawa entered the house.

So have you girls come up with any plan to surprise Zan?" he asked.

"Sshh! Don‟t say it so freely Dad!" Ayumi scolded her father. "I‟ll try to find out what Zan wants for a birthday present without letting him know that we are aware of his birthday" Ayumi volunteered.

Meanwhile, I was washing my hair clean of the soap. After I could feel no more soap, I towelled my hair and walked out of the bathroom.

"Nineteen years from now was when I was born and cast into the human world. How can I tell Ayumi that today is my birthday without making it sound like I‟m expecting something from her?" I wondered.

"Right now, I‟m wishing I were as confident and mischievous as Dad. That would have made things much easier" I thought.

"You are as confident and mischievous as I am" I imagined the Nightmare King saying with a mischievous smile and without realizing it, I burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"If only Dad were not as bad as I hear he is, I‟d have a chance to be reunited with my real family" I said sadly and opened the door that led out of my room.

I was surprised to see Ayumi standing at the other side.

"AAAAHHHH! Hey! Don‟t scare me like that Ayu!" I screamed as I attempted to catch my breath.

"Can we talk?" Ayumi asked robotically.

"Fine, but don‟t make this a habit!" I yelled.

She smirked and we walked down the stairs. Soon, we were in the field outside. Ayumi didn‟t say a word and I was waiting patiently. In fact, it looked as though she had her head in the clouds.

"Earth to Ayu!" I called.

"Huh?" she seemed startled by my sudden call.

"I thought you said you wanted to tell me something but you‟ve been silent for about ten minutes straight. Spill it!" I demanded. "W-Well...a-actually...I w-wanted to ask you a question" Ayumi stammered.

"A question?" I asked her.

"Y-Yes, it‟s actually a hypothetical question" Ayumi said nervously.

"Hypothetical question? Okay, ask your hypothetical question" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, so hypothetically speaking, what would you prefer for your birthday...I mean if your birthday were today, would you prefer a party or a small get-together and what gift would you like, a new videogame or a laptop..." Ayumi was saying when I interrupted her.

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