Episode 28: The Promise

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Ayumi woke up that morning, feeling a bit down. It had been a while since she had last spoken to me. And thanks to my dad's act of impromptu...well... "spiriting me away", I couldn't exactly contact her. He wouldn't even allow me to use the Pyrostellis Luminares. Ayumi freshened up and headed towards the Hall Of The Kirisawa Residence. As she approached, she heard angry voices yelling at each other and then the clashing of swords.

She rushed downstairs and hid behind the wall staring into the Hall; Pyrostellis was already on standby.

"Huh?!" she exclaimed in surprise.

Mr Kirisawa and I were really going at it in there; on, a rampage!

Ayumi slapped herself in the forehead.

"That idiot. What is he up to now? This totally ruined any dreams I had for a wonderful reunion" she sighed and slumped to the ground.

I heard the sound and turned to her.

"Hey Ayu! How're you doing?!" I called happily.

"Oh go right ahead, don't mind me. Or better yet, go jump in a black hole as it absorbs the blast of a hypernova" she muttered.

I collapsed to the ground. Overwhelmed by the cruelty of her words. Wow, karma is no fool is she?

"I understand your concerns Zan, but I can't hand the elemental stones to you, even if there is the slight chance that the Princess Of Dreams is alive" Mr Kirisawa declared.

"The person you're talking about is my mom!" I roared.

Bottomline; drama talk, no actual game plan. Truth is, in the end, the only solution I could see was handing the stones to Zanfar and sucker punching him when he started cackling gleefully.

"What's going on?" Ayumi suddenly seemed concerned.

Then she noticed Ai standing in the corner staring at Mr Kirisawa and I with a scared look on her face.

"Zanfar has my mom. And he wants me to bring the seven elemental stones to him before midnight tomorrow or he will show her the quickest way off this mortal coil and then the world as we know it won't be as we know it as Jaden Yuki so finely put it. There's not enough time to come up with an effective plan and well, the Dream Knights, I'm not so sure they're my allies anymore so we don't have resources on our side either" I said.

"Calm down Zan. I understand that you're worried but we can't make rash moves now" Ayumi said as she stood up and approached me.

"How can I calm down when Zanfar is holding my mom hostage?! I've never even met her in real life and now that I know she's alive, even if it is a lie, I want to be sure!" I declared.

O-kay, so let us calmly review my game plan to counter Zanfar.

Previously on Dreamweaver;

Zanfar: Join me Zan!

Me: Hahahaha! Not in a million cross dimensional years you agelessly naïve moron! I will crush you!

A day later:

Me: Heh, you're really naïve Zanfar! I will crush you...by running from you!

I think that was pretty much my offensive strategy then. Ayumi smiled;

"Let's give this sometime Zan, okay? If you think about it carefully, Zanfar may be trying to provoke us into making the first move. In my opinion; it might be better to allow Zanfar to make the first move so that we can counter him from there and come up with a plan; or make one up as we go along. Being impatient won't get us anywhere. So in the meantime, why don't we go out on a date? We haven't really gone out on a date yet have we?" Ayumi asked.

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