Prologue 4

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In this world called Reality, there dwell numerous creatures known as humans. Thinking about it now, I can finally understand why many humans choose to deny reality and create their own realities within reality. I understand now, how the isolated feel and I can understand the pain of the betrayed. Humans say a lot of things. There are a particular group of humans that are fond of the saying;

"Forgive and forget" however...

Talk is cheap! You cannot know the pain within another person's heart until you've experienced similar or greater pain. That is why we have humans that take the suffering of widows and orphans for granted. Some wish they didn't have parents to bother them all the time...and there are others that wish they could at least have felt once the touch of a parent...even if it meant they had to be beaten.

People insult the government but cannot even manage their homes. There are those that criticize sportsmen when in fact the longest distance they've ever walked is from their homes to the gate of their homes. Yet somehow, we all feel our pain is great and no one can understand us.

Perhaps...we don't want to be understood by anyone. Perhaps, deep within ourselves, we desire the solitude. The feeling of looking down on others is far more gratifying than trying to understand them. To blame others for our suffering...regardless of whether it was caused by their hands or far easier and more pleasurable to accept than the fact that events trigger within others, the traits we despise about them.

Like a wise fool once said;

"Have you ever seen a baby born with a knife in its hand? Someone places the knife there. Circumstances turn people into the monsters we despise"

But knowing this does not change the pain...and it won't make it go away. It is easier to say...

"I forgive you" than to forget the pain caused by a wrong.

Humans sure can talk big, yet they admit themselves that "talk is cheap".

Unfortunately, there are many knives with diverse shapes and sizes but the thing Ayumi placed in my hands...was not a knife at all. It was a diabolic cutlass, and one I did not want to let go of so easily. How do you forgive the one that murders your closest relative? How can you...forgive the one that does something like that...if the someone you love! Thinking about it lately, I've began to remember a lot of things. When I sleep, I see a lot of images and hear three names that keep repeating within my head; the names; "Zanviel", "Zanfar" and "Zanböngfar". I still don't know what they mean though but I'm beginning to understand the depth of Zanfar's malice. It stems from a force called "The Deplorable Dream" though I cannot understand the meaning of that phrase just yet. But there is one thing I do know. At this moment in my life...I wish...

"All of reality would just disappear!" I thought in anguish as my voice overlapped with Zanfar's and Zanviel's.

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