Episode 15: Confrontation

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A month passed with me training with the Nightmare king. All that was left in my heart was the purest form of rage and hatred. Ayumi watched me from within Chaos' sigil. She watched as I led the Nightmare king's armies and crushed the Dream Knights. I showed no mercy. At that point in time, I couldn't differentiate between my own voice and the sinister voice. It was almost as though our wills had coalesced.

"How could Zan have changed so easily and so drastically" Ayumi wept as she stared at the monster I had become.

"It is precisely because he loved you so much. Strange isn't it, how so much love can instantly become intense hatred? He even accepted the name Zanfar without full knowledge of its significance" Chaos said with a satisfied smile.

"I must get out of here! I must save Zan!" Ayumi declared desperately.

"Save him? You keep surpassing your own strangeness. You don't seem to comprehend your current situation. The one thing that keeps drawing Zanfar to the darkness...is you or didn't you get that the first time I said it? Here is the proof! Even if you were to stop him now, which is impossible by the way and the two of you united to somehow defeat me and restore the original timeline, he would still become Zanfar after all you seem to keep forgetting that your worst act of betrayal was performed in the original timeline" Chaos said.

"I will take my chances! I can't watch him become something he is not!" Ayumi yelled desperately.

"He truly is Zanfar. Zan is just a defective part of him held hostage by the heart of the Princess Of Dreams. You cannot stop him from bending to his true nature. A lion eats meat, a sheep eats grass, the stars shine in the sky and dust covers the ground. Everything in nature yields to its true nature. That...is the law of nature, something no one can change, no matter how strong they may be...unless, you could tell me something as idealistic as a lion lying next to a sheep or a wolf next to a kid. I once knew a man who believed in such things. He was the only one in history, whose love was never tainted no matter how much he suffered. When I remember how much he suffered for people he wasn't even supposed to know and people he was meant to hate...it made human love seem insulting in my eyes. Anything else that calls itself love and cannot prove itself like this man proved his love...does not deserve to be called love! I will crush anything as pathetic as that!" Chaos declared. "Besides, there is another reason why I'm saying your efforts are futile. The only thing that keeps you from being affected by this timeline is my sigil. Once you leave this dimension, your memories and feelings will be altered and you will be assimilated by the other Ayumi as a part of her. There is nothing you can do but watch this timeline play itself out. You must wait for the day Zanfar comes...to confront you! Isn't the strangeness of it all sickening?" Chaos laughed.

"The only sickening thing here is you. You are by far the most twisted creature I've ever encountered. I cannot even begin to comprehend how it is you became so warped" Ayumi said.

"If you want to leave, I'll let you but I honestly believe this timeline is better for you. After all, you are not the one that killed Zanfar's guardian. You have nothing to feel guilty for" Chaos said.

"Dad, Ai...how could everyone have changed so much just because I was never able to summon my sigils?" Ayumi wondered.

Meanwhile, I was undergoing intense warrior training.

"Zan, do you know what Zanfar is?" the Nightmare king asked me.

"Zanfar means Nightmare" I said seriously.

"Hmm, let me try to explain to you in terms you can understand. Zan, imagine you lived in a country filled with people you love. Then one day, you left that country, and when you returned, every single person was murdered in the most brutal way imaginable" the Nightmare king said.

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