Episode 25: Divided We Fall Part II: Which Of Us Do You Choose?

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I struggled to carry all the food up the stairs without falling. I was determined to take it all up at once before Ayumi spotted me. Well...I was kind of successful.

Kind of you ask?

After going through all that suffering, I finally understood why the expression "Cos 90" sounded so tragic when used by a teacher to refer to the efforts of a student.

Those really annoying mes found a really convenient time to disappear. Zanyen was the only one left in the room. I sighed. I really couldn't believe how stupid I was to actually fall for a prank played on me by myself. They'd gotten rid of me so they could escape and I definitely didn't want to imagine what they were up to now.

"Where'd they go?!" I growled angrily.

Zanyen laughed.

"I believe they wish to enjoy the experience of being people instead of just mere attributes. This is a once in a lifetime chance for them you know, especially since humans tend to suppress certain attributes of their own being most of the time" Zanyen said with a smile.

His smile looked painful though.

"But you'd best be careful Zan. The longer we stay out of you, the more our own perceptions will be influenced until we become completely separate beings and if that happens, you'll never be able to utilize your full potential" Zanyen warned.

"Interesting, it's also a once in a lifetime experience for me. I get to beat myself up more than usual without actually feeling depressed!" I growled as I clenched my fist and leapt out of the window.

Zanyen sighed.

"Even as an almost empty shell, you're even more of a handful than any of your individual attributes. I guess I'll go read up in the Kirisawa Library then. Zan would never do it on his own and if there is anything I need to know that could help Zan deal with Zanfar, I'd like to get as much info as I can before we finally unite" Zanyen said as he stood up and left the room.

I landed smoothly on the ground and stared ahead. I saw one of me walking beside Ayumi and heh, from the happy expression on her face, I could tell, how was it put again in Buso Renkin, yeah, some serious strawberry talk was going on!

"Those beings sure know how to piss me off! I've never been this angry with myself! I'm pretty sure that must be my flirtatious side, Zanabana!" I growled angrily.

Ayumi was laughing as though she had just heard the funniest joke in the world. I was fuming seriously. I was just about to expose myself when a side vision made me chuckle gleefully.

"Thank God for my anger" I smiled slyly and hid myself, for Zansur had set a pitfall for Zanabana and he apparently hadn't noticed since he was busy flirting with my GF and by that I mean Guardian Force! Fortunately, Ayumi was temporarily distracted just as Zanabana fell into the pit and Zansur quickly took his place.

"Hey Ayu, I have a present for you" Zansur said as he presented her with a rose.

"Thank you Zan. I'll be sure to always treasure it" Ayumi promised.

Zansur turned to me and made a face.

"Yeah sure, looking smug now are we? Just wait till I teach thee a lesson. You really should recall the warning the Bible gives about a jealous man" I growled angrily. "I especially like how Sirach put it. I hope you recall Zansur!"

He simply stuck his tongue out at me while Ayu wasn't looking. I was about to walk out there and smack James Bond's Living Daylights out of his smug looking face when I noticed Zanlar on one of the trees holding a rope in his hand and preparing for an ambush. I smirked. Zansur hadn't noticed him yet.

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