Episode 31: Trials Of The Human Dreamweaver

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"Find your identity; don't let it go;

The Seal is there; within you know

Your Origins; then let tears flow;

Then find yourself; make sure you're free...!"

Ayumi slowly came to herself. Meanwhile, Face and Victoria had heard the terrifying voice. They watched as the Nightmares that had invaded Dream City bowed before this new menace. They watched in silence as it spoke; and when it had finished speaking; they raised a loud cry.

"Wh-What is...that thing?" Victoria stared in horror.

There was no sky anymore. Just the Dream World reflected above as a burning blaze.

"That must be Zanfar" Face muttered.

He was trembling.

The beast spread out its wings and rose to the air wreaking destruction on the Dreams Of Mankind and leaving fear in its wake. The only Dream spared was the Castle Of Nightmares which I had a lingering attachment to.

In Second Chance Hospital, people were losing their lives to the Ultimate Unconsciousness but as they did; one woman was regaining her life.

When the beast was satisfied with the damage it had caused in Dreams; it proceeded to travel to the world of Reality. Nations were in confusion, some on the verge of waging war with others until at last they found a common enemy in this creature. They set aside their differences and would have been well equipped to begin a war with this creature only if they had been prepared for this in the first place but it had taken them by surprise. The creature attacked the great continents causing destruction in its wake and with each attack, panic spread worldwide and as the panic began to converge, the creature made sure to partake in its meal, the fear and evil of mankind created from its attacks. When the creature was sure it had caused enough damage, it returned to Dream City to start a new one. This was the central home of the Dream Knights and filled with the realization that there was no escape, the Dream Knights united to confront the creature.

Face turned to Victoria.

"Vicky, you remember the time I said 'the day you ever said something nice to me, something unlikely would happen? Well I'll say something nice to you instead. Just in case I perish, I want you to know that I love you" Face confessed.

Victoria was surprised. She didn't expect this and she almost didn't hear it but she wasn't going to ask Face to repeat himself because she knew that he wouldn't so she replied;

"I already told you how I felt once, don't make me repeat myself".

Then Zanbӧngfar landed right before them; the Deplorable Dream was about to commence its conquest of Dream City.

"I am Victoria Arthur..."

"And I am Boniface Kenyah..."

"In my time of need do I summon thee...sigils of...!"


"Earth!" they called together.

"Let the trial of Earth and Wind commence!"

Ayumi came to her senses and looked around herself. She could hear screams coming from outside. She couldn't block them out no matter how hard she tried. They were almost as though they were sounding directly within her mind. She felt guilty. The people she swore to protect were struggling to endure what she was trying to escape from. She found her resolve and attempted summoning the Pyrostellis Luminares to reach me but when she did, an image of my anguish permeated her mind and then the Pyrostellis Luminares shattered to reveal the Pyrogeysers. She knew that she and I were no longer connected by our sigils. She ran outside and saw how the Nightmares were destroying everything.

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