𝖼𝗁. 𝗍𝖾𝗇 ✓

Start bij het begin

Who is that girl?! The four thought in unison while looking at the house doorway, ready to see whoever that may be.

"I'm here! Welcome back home!" Katsuki greeted back with a straight yet brightened face, which made the four and Kirishima more shook. The turn of events is too shocking for them that they might can't take it anymore.

"I invited a friend for dinner! Did you see my messages?" You asked after running to the kitchen to give your husband a kiss on his cheek, unable to notice the four heroes + Kirishima who were frozen in surprise.

"I didn't. I was busy making dinner." Katsuki said while snaking his other arm around your waist.

You then eyed on the four. "Who are they?" You asked as you motioned Kirishima to come to the kitchen as well, who absentmindedly obliged, surprising Katsuki.

"Wait... number two hero Shouto." You murmured before looking back at Katsuki. "Your friends?"

Katsuki kissed your forehead. "I guess so. I'll introduce you to them after they get their shit back. You can take a bath first."

"Okay then. And I also have Red Riot with me, who I guess is also out of his mind right now. Take care of him first for me okay?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

You went upstairs to take a bath, leaving Katsuki and his former classmates slash friends.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" They all exclaimed in unison, too shocked to process what's going on. That woke up Kacchan who went under the carpet to get his peace back.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Katsuki replied, which silenced the five. "You asked why did I retire?"

"To be a full-time househusband."


"Uh, I'm Bakugou Y/n. It's nice to finally meet some of Katsuki's friends." You introduced formally with a smile while sitting on the single sofa, with Katsuki sitting on the sofa's lean behind you. "I'll be the one entertaining your questions for tonight."

"We want your husband to answer us-"

"My wife will be the one entertaining you, don't make her repeat herself." Katsuki threatened as his wife, you, just smiled at his friends.

"First, y-you're Connectiva right?" Uraraka asked. "Yes, the one and only." You said and showed your palms which immediately glowed neon green connected dots before hiding them again.

"So Bakugou retired just to be your househusband? While you continue working as a hero?" Mina asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. That's what he wants so I just let him be." You answered before glancing at Katsuki. "You should explain that part." You murmured.

Katsuki sighed deeply. "Look, I already reached my dreams by surpassing All Might and becoming the number one hero. I decided to resign from hero work to focus on my Y/n and Y/n only. Hero work will only pressure me and it'll take all my attention away from her." Katsuki answered. "I officially became a househusband."

"If you want and need to have someone to blame, don't blame my wife for my resignation. I'm the one who chose this decision and I never regret it. Let's just say that my love for her is too overwhelming that I'm willing to give up everything for her." Katsuki said. A smile immediately crept on his lips when your eyes met.

"Since when?" Shouto asked, who was obviously recording with his phone.

"Relationship? 5 years ago, September 10. Marriage? Months ago, March 31." You answered. "First meeting? 6 years ago." You added.

𝙂𝙊𝙆𝙐𝙎𝙃𝙐𝙁𝙐𝘿𝙊 ᵇᵃᵏᵘᵍᵒ ᵏᵃᵗˢᵘᵏⁱWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu