Charming Officers

Start from the beginning

Then came what the doll used when all reasoning with passionate men of law was unsuccessful and that being: charming officers.

"You look absolutely dashing in that trench coat, Tsukauchi-san~!" (Y/N) started the operation of charming her way out of a fine or imprisonment for acting as a hero without a license.

"Thanks, it's the average trench coat in any officers vanity," replied the detective, completely unfased.

"Your handsomeness elevated it to a supreme level!" exaggerated the doll adopting the local grannies' method of pampering their grandchildren or any young man.

Thirteen only watched the spectacle with fascination, refusing to disrupt the flow of this badly written romance script. She was only getting to know more and more about this extraterrestrial being by the name: (L/N) (Y/N). 

"It's okay, (L/N)-san. I won't ask you to pay a fine or lock you up," Tsukauchi delivered with a pure smile as a halo popped over his black hair.

(Y/N) released a sigh and placed both of her hands on the IV stand for support as her shoulders relaxed with the exhale of light giggle, "thank goodness."

Her financial situation was a complete nightmare after moving into a safer, and obviously more expensive, neighbourhood in the company of a demanding child. Thankfully, it had finally stabilised with the recent pay from U.A., so going back to the starting point was really not an appealing choice. Needless to say, imprisonment is even a worse option.

To be relieved from having to choose between bad and worse is a huge blissing at the moment for the doll.

"You do realise you don't have to charm an officer to get out of punishment, right?" Tsukauchi informed.

"Oh, force of habit," (Y/N) replied astonishing the space hero and the detective as they unanimously agreed not to question what brought about the notorious habit. 

"Your help was absolutely appreciated, but—" Tsukauchi hesitated, seeming to struggle with his words, "I don't know how I can say this in a hero society and to a previous hero, but I'll have to ask you... next time, try as best as you can to not get involved..." he looked the doll sternly as he added with a softer tone: "for your sake and others."

"... I'll try," (Y/N) finally responded, lowering her head slightly to the officer as sign of respect when she actually wanted to hide the disturbance in her soul.

The doll still hadn't gotten used to the fact a valuable part of her existence no longer exists.

Just a few months ago, (Y/N) was mentoring and saving rebellious teens, both were actions she was appraised for being heroic. However, what she did back in USJ is now either frowned upon or, as in the case of the space hero and detective, appreciated with a sympathetic look.

A look that threatened to bury the last spark of heroism in the doll.

"(L/N)-san?" Thirteen called making the absent-minded female look up with a start.

"Yeah, I heard you," (Y/N) replied, catching bits and pieces of their private conversation about walking out together from earlier, "go ahead! I'll get back to my room shortly."

"Right, then. Wish you the best, (L/N)-san," Tsukauchi raised a hand before heading out, but not before his amusing remark reached the disheartened doll, "I hope we meet again. On matter unrelating to breaking the law, of course."

Thirteen was fast on the busybody's tail as she gave the doll one last glance and a wave before sliding the door shut.

(Y/N)'s continuously waving hand halted and dropped to the IV stand as her smile vanished with an exhausted sigh.

"So loud," the ominous grumble slithered from the bed to the female making her stiffen with fear and snapping her head to the source of terror.

"That shortened my lifespan by 10 years!"

"And here I thought you were suspecting me," Eraser Head murmured, mentioning the female's previous scrutiny at the whether he was truly asleep.

"I was until I was convinced otherwise," (Y/N) replied pulling a chair closer to Aizawa's bed and seating herself before the mummy, "wait... You were awake all along?"

"... I was falling in and out of sleep," Aizawa admitted, any change of his features was missed due to the cover of bandages. Although at this point, it was pretty easy to guess his expression or the lack thereof.

(Y/N) clicked her tongue in disapproval with folded arms as she condemned, "you should have said something. Why did you let the poor Thirteen talk to herself?"

Aizawa shifted slightly, "I don't see the point of talking when I could pass out at any minute."

Noticing his discomfort, the doll offered as she stood up and edged closer to Eraser's bandaged body, "allow me."

Gently, an arm slid cautiously under Aizawa's shoulder as its owner mumbled to herself wondering where the handle to lifting the bed was. The man caught his breath when he felt her lean in, her chest pressing lightly against him, as she tried to reached the other side.

"There it is," (Y/N) whispered to herself upon grazing the the plastic object. The weight of her chest on the Pro Hero increased as she desperately reached for the handle and it finally lessened with the sound of bed snapping up.

The doll drew back from Eraser with a start, dropping back into her seat, "sorry! I wanted to lift it slowly but it snapped! Did you get hurt?!"

"It's fine," Aizawa grumbled. If his words were barely audible before, these hardly made it to (Y/N) curious ears.

"You're welcome~!" (Y/N) replied making the wrong assumption of the mummified man's previous words. Her eyes briefly glanced over the monitor displaying his condition and noticed an increase of heartbeats, thus couldn't help be comment, "your heart rate increased. Did sitting up strain you?"


"You should rest more, Old Man," the oblivious doll teased, her words hung in the air of the darkening room as she paused for a moment before talking again, "I know you don't need to hear it from me, but what you did back then for the students was really admirable."

The mummy sighed and dismissed her with the cutest rebellious grunt (Y/N) could ever have the pleasure of hearing, "what you did wasn't any different."

"If you say so," (Y/N) acknowledged with a witch's giggle to mask the recurring negative thoughts she had earlier about buried heroics.

"... Thank you for getting involved," Aizawa whispered softly. His words were delayed, taking their sweet time to form and when they finally did, they seemed to blow away all the negativity (Y/N) harboured about herself. 

At that very moment, the doll was thankful nothing was monitoring her heartbeats.

A/N: Big sorry for late update lmaoooo

I was busy the past century with lotsa things and had this chapter written but just as a shitty draft

anyways now its up and I hope yall enjoyed it <3

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