He didn’t have any choice anymore, he had to tell her the truth it was unfair to keep it from her, she needed to know the danger she was in, so that she could understand his reasons for wanting to keep her so close. He wasn’t bothered that he had finally let her get under his skin; he couldn’t deny what she did for him, how she made him feel he had never felt so alive, than when he was with her.

“We’re soul mates, you are destined to be mine,” he told her with a sad sigh; he couldn’t imagine how disappointing that must have sounded to her, to be destined to be with such a creature that he was.

Paige raised her eyebrows, “That’s why you haven’t killed me isn’t it?”

She was struggling to get her head around it; she had always believed as a child that there were such things as soul mates. She had always liked the idea of a couple loving each other unconditionally and being faithful to each other for all of their lives, but that was before she grew up and discovered just how twisted the world was, a place where couples cheated and lied throughout their relationships. It was before she discovered that was even more to the world than she had ever thought, a world where vampires and demons and who knew what else that roamed around in the shadows.

“I can’t kill you, but I am supposed to turn you into what I am and I can’t do that, I can’t let you hate me,” he said opening his eyes and staring straight into hers.

The way he looked at her made her shiver with delight, “You’re torturing yourself with all of this hate and you haven’t once asked me what I actually think of you.”

He didn’t need to ask what she thought of him, her thoughts were exactly what he thought they would be, messed up. He shook his head as she looked at him softly and smiled. He couldn’t deal with how sweet she was, not when he had treated her so despicably, he bit her and hurt her. Just because he wanted to prove, how evil he was.

“I don’t need to ask you, I read your thoughts. I confuse you, you don’t know what I’m going to do next, and as much as I scare you with how unpredictable I am there is a part of you that likes It.,” he told her.

He was right, it was what she thought, she was deeply attracted to him, but was terrified of what he was and what he could do; his looks and his deep husky voice drew her in, but as quickly as he could be soft, gentle and alluring he could be so cold, ruthless and heartless.

“Do you want to turn me?” she asked him, clutching the sheets around herself tightly and turning so that she sitting opposite him as he leaned against the headboard.

“Yes and no. Yes because it wasn’t until I met you that I realised just how lonely this life is, eternity on your own is a dark and depressing thought, but no because you don’t deserve this punishment.” He informed her.

“Neither did you, it wasn’t like you asked to become a vampire, you didn’t have a choice I do.”

“You do yes, but you have no idea what being a vampire is really like, but tomorrow night I will show you and we will see how appealing the idea is then,” he growled.

She was living in a fantasy if she thought that it was all sweet and lovely, there was nothing nice about the life he led. He didn’t care who he killed he didn’t give them a second thought, they were his food and it was as simple as that, he had killed families, tortured them made them watch as he ripped through their parents, children, old people. He didn’t care how old they were or how kind they were, without their blood, he wouldn’t survive, and he enjoyed hearing them plead and beg for mercy something he didn’t give.

Paige sighed loudly, and he was back the harsh, cruel Seth. She could always tell when he was annoyed with her and if she was honest it didn’t take a lot to piss him off, it was whenever she tried to tell him that he wasn’t evil that he felt the need to prove otherwise.

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