Chapter 32 | Dreadnought

Start from the beginning

'That's okay, buddy.' I reassured, smiling up at him, vaguely aware that he just referred to Emily as their sister. He smiled back and, painfully slow, winked.

'If everything goes well,' Entrapta continued, undeterred, 'Emily should be able to plug directly into their systems and steer the ship herself. Adora just has to make sure Emily can make it there and back safely. Emily!' Entrapta scurried over to the waiting bot, plugging in her pad and began the transfer of data. I could see the ship getting closer now, the cloud of Swarm drones about to pass us by. Hopefully.

'And besides,' I added, knowing that wouldn't be enough to convince Catra not to intervene, 'you've already been told to rest for a few days before using your magic again. I don't want you to hurt yourself.'

'Alright, Adora. Fine. I won't help you.' Catra huffed, turning to look at the back of the chair.

I sighed and stood up. This was for the best, Catra would only hurt herself more by using magic to help, and she's too tired to do much of anything else. I turned to face the starship and the cloud of drones ahead of us, before reaching forward and summoning She-Ra's sword out of the air.

<< Warning: Multiple incoming unknown energy signatures detected. >>
<< Collision is inevitable. >>
<< Recommendation: Change course. >>

'For the honour of Grayskull.' I said, making no show out of the transformation, but welcoming the surge of strength and power all the same. As the golden light dimmed, I walked forwards and touched Darla's controls, smiling as they glowed a little brighter under the contact of She-Ra's hand.

<< Administrator detected. >>
<< Hello, She-Ra. >>

'Hey, Darla. Evasive manoeuvres, we're going straight through that cloud of drones.'

<< Affirmative. >>

'Interesting...' Entrapta hovered to my side, watching as I removed my hand from the controls before pulling out her voice recorder. 'She-Ra observation log, entry one thousand and sixty-seven! No matter what changes I make to Darla's core structure, she still only recognises She-Ra as an administrator, despite allowing other living beings, such as myself, to pilot her.'

I was only half-listening to Entrapta leave notes for her future self, however, as the cloud of drones was almost upon us.

<< Warning: Evasive manoeuvres beginning in five... >>

'Oooo... this is so exciting!' Entrapta squealed beside me.

<< Four... >>

'Everyone, brace yourselves, hold on to something!' I called, before moving back toward the chair.

<< Three... >>

I picked up Catra, ignoring her hiss of protest, and placed her in my lap as I sat down, wrapping my arms around her waist. Her tail thudded against my armour and her claws dug into my arm, but I didn't care in that moment, she could be annoyed with me all she liked for wanting to keep her safe - but Catra will always be my first priority, above all else.

<< Two... >>

Spinnerella ran over too, holding on to the chair from behind. Entrapta and Wrong Hordak clung onto Emily as she seemed to magnetise herself to the floor.

<< One... >>

I felt Catra untense and lean back against me, the faintest hint of a purr rumbling in her chest.

<< Entering drone cloud, beginning evasive manoeuvres. >>
<< Recommendation: Hold on. >>

That recommendation really should come sooner.

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