The Horrible Night (Jimin)

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Yeah so my updating schedule is messed up👐 so this is just a filler-ish for y'all. So bare with me. Anyways who do y'all think is in the car with Jimin? And what do you think will happen with Jimin?

Word count: 1247

Total: 1293

Sounds of laughter rings through my ears. Lights shine through the alleyway from the stands put out by their owners. Food was dropped on the floor from children who can't seem to eat off a skewer properly. The cries of children from their food being dropped on the floor catches the attention of those around. Couples holding hands sharing kisses on late dates or first dates. Steam flows through the air from barbecues around the area.

Loud music plays through each station I pass through. Jealous fills my heart as I see couples kiss hold hands or even share a peace of food. The thought of Y/n sleeping with someone else comes back to me. My hands curl up into balls, my nails digging into my palm.

"Fuck you Y/n..." I whisper to myself. "I'll get you back just you wait."

I continue my walk spending money on foods that seem appealing to me. Until, finally, I find a bar filled with people. I enter without hesitation showing the guard outside my ID. The scent of alcohol fills my nostrils. My mind going blank.

All I need was to get wasted and forget about this cruel world. I walk towards the middle wear bartenders shake cups and serve them to the already drunk men and women. I sit down on a stool where no one was around. I raise my hand, two fingers straight in the air to call a bartender over.

A women walks over to me with a bright smile on her face.

"What can I get you?" She asks while wiping a cup dry.

"Baekseju, please." I say looking rather unbothered by her kind gestures.

"Coming right up!"

I sigh. I look around the bar looking for someone I can talk to or maybe a women I can by drinks for. But when I look around a bunch of women were already staring at me. Rather than causing jealousy between the women. Knowing they would possibly scratch at each other like last time.

I stay quiet and call a much rather nervous looking young man over.

"Hey, you with the black jacket!" I wave my hand at him when he looks up. He points at himself looking around anyone else who has a black jacket. "Yes, yes you, come I wanna have a talk."

Hours had passed since I left the house. It was dark and cold at this time of night. The air was moist, and rain was upon Seoul. I was tired from running and walking. I passed through an open food market and went into a bar to drink an hour ago, and I didn't want to walk anymore. All the food I had eaten and all the alcohol I drank while walking had suddenly hit. I was starting to get sick.

"Maybe I shouldn't have stressed so much about what I saw earlier with Taehyung and Y/n." I say this to myself in a fit of frustration.

I had lost myself. I had nowhere to go. I lost my trail in the fit of anger I was in. My phone was practically dead with 4% on it. I didn't want to waste it right now. Everyone was probably asleep by now. All I felt right now was regret.

"Why was I so stupid?" I ask myself as I look around to find a store with its lights on. It started to sprinkle. I could feel light water droplets on my head. I look up, and clouds are everywhere.

"I need to get shelter now." As I was about to run, a random girl called me.

"Hey you. Do you need a ride? It's starting to rain."

I was going to decline, but finding the state I'm in right now, I decided to take the offer. My plan was to get to sleep, charge my phone, and then head home. Hopefully she's not much work, or else we're going to have a problem.

"Oh, thank you!" I say nicely, trying to hide my frustration.

I hop into the back seat of the car, and she drives off. I look out the window, trying to find any trees or anything familiar that could lead me to get home sooner. I really didn't want to stay with this girl.

"So where do you live?" She asks, looking in the mirror towards me.

"Oh, uh, I'm not from here, so I don't know if I can give you directions, and my phone died, so sorry." I laugh awkwardly and look back out the window in embarrassment.

"Oh, that's fine. Do you mind just staying at my place?" She asks nicely, looking into the mirror again.

"Really?! Thank you. I would appreciate that." I was hoping to go home, but staying at her house will do. There's no way I could get home without knowing any directions.

She tries to start a conversation with me, but I reply dryly because I am extremely tired. All the alcohol I drank was a bad idea. I felt like vomiting. I look around the car for any type of bag or bin that I could throw up in.

"Do you need some water?" She asks and considers.

"Oh yes, please."

"There's some in the back, just grab some."

I look behind me, and I see some SamDaSoo. I quickly grab some and open it up. I chugged the water down almost immediately, trying to calm myself down.

This water tastes really sour, and as I drink it even more, my throat starts to burn. I look around the bottle, trying to find any date that shows that the water or plastic has gone by.
"Something wrong?"

"Oh no, it's just that the water tastes really good." I cringe at my answer. What kind of answer is that? I felt like jumping out of this moving car. That's how embarrassed I was.

I can tell she was trying to hide her laugh. "Hey, why are you wearing a mask?" I ask out of curiosity, trying to also change the topic from the previous conversation.

She tenses up, and the tension in the air becomes more noticeable. "Oh ,uh, I just felt cold. I don't want to catch a cold or anything."

"Oh okay..." I knew she wasn't telling the truth from the tone in her voice. But since I was tired, I was unbothered by everything and anything.

As we approached the traffic lights, the light went from green to yellow, and we were far away enough to slowly brake to the crossing line, but for some reason this mysterious girl didn't stop. The light turns red, and she zooms past it.

"Hey, it was a red light; why did you not stop?"

"Who stops at a red light?"

"Uh, you stopped at the other red lights; why didn't you stop at this one?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Alright, but if you get pulled over, don't blame it on me. Also, can I have another bottle of water? I'm still thirsty."

She nods her head, and I reach behind me to get another cup of water. This time, the water seems more yellow and dirty than the others. I looked back at her to tell her, but then I realized she was smiling through her mask at me through the mirror.

Those eyes look familiar.

But who could it be?

My eyes widened in surprise.

It's her.

My head becomes light and everything slowly goes dark.

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