8 ~ third year

356 16 2

Word Count: 973

Youre probably thinking.. why would I even think of going back home...

I asked myself the same thing but was reminded of my older brother who was protecting me all this time, and Spark, he was home too. I couldnt leave them both so it was better for me just to go home and deal with the consequences. The hitting and the screaming soon stopped as time went on and i became more obedient towards them.

I always stay in my room unless it's my turn to cook or clean certain things, these chores rotated between me and mother while Cedric had no chores, and father stayed at work more often. Father never comes home for me, it's always for Cedric. Rarely for mum, always for Cedric.

Classic disappointment and favorite child scenario. But thankfully, Cedric never treated me differently.

Eventually I made it to second year, another year of fighting with Pansy and hanging out with the boys.

Not much happened, i thought it was best for me to just stop talking to others people besides my close group and hermione.

Well at least i tried talking to Hermione, but she was also friends with Harry Potter.

Which meant she spent less time with me.

None the less she always made time for our study sessions and girl talks.

Besides that i would hang out with Draco most of the time, usually watching him torment Potter and first years.

Fred and George did occasionally invite me to come prank some older kids with them, and Ron is always good to talk to, so i guess you could say i pretty well rounded but then again it was very rare i would be speaking to them infront of Draco. He didn't approve of my other friends and would always pick and tease on my for it, but i still stayed.

Snow boy, always mine.

You don't just leave your best friend because they tease you a bit. Besides i know he doesn't mean it entirely, he just has an image to keep.

As do i.

The innocent little sister of Cedric Diggory, a nice girl who loves animals and reading. Look there goes Lilith Diggory! She's so naive, nothing bad ever happens to her!

Shes so beautiful..

So kind..

Her parents must spoil her..

So thin, shes so lucky..

Skinny and pale, all the boys must want her..

Short brunette hair with her vintage dresses..

Its always, im not okay instead of are you okay? Have you eaten today? Where did these scratches come from?

Always, she must play rough with her brother, The boys must love how athletic she is.

I like that people think highly of me but its empty lies to me.

Im not thin by genetics im thin because I rarely eat, I have scratches and bruises because i am hit, my dresses and clothes are vintage because I am never given anything new, and im pale because im never shown the light of day.

These thoughts linger with me everyday, including today.

As the train chugged on the track I sat next to the now grown Draco.

Third year was finally here, a year we werent really the young kids anymore.

Draco and I didnt see eachother over the break since his family took him to South America for the summer.

We wrote letter back and forth though, he never stopped checking on me.

Might I say, puberty hit him hard.

As for me, I looked quite the same just a bit taller and less baby fat.

My jawline was a lot sharper and my nose was more button like.

"Hey Lily?" Draco said.

"Yes Draco?" I responded, turning my head back to him.

"I never did ask today, how are you feeling?"

"Oh. Im alright. Same as always really."

"Ah. I see."

I chuckled slightly and be copied me.

"Do you want anything from the trolley, Lillith?" Gregory asked as he started to get up.

"No. Thank you though," I answered.

Goyle left and closed the door behind him.

"Are you sure love, you seem famished." Draco suggested.

"No, No. I promise, im alright." I assured him.

He nodded, showing he understood.

The boys were so sweet to me but only when we were alone.

As soon as Goyle sat back down, the train stopped. Draco held the door open for me and we walked out of the train onto the platform.

We walked down the path in the forest towards the carriages.

The ride was bumpy but otherwise quiet.

"Vincent do you think we'll be potion partners again this year?" I tried to make conversation.

"We did quite well together last year so all just depends on what Snape decides." Vincent nodded.

Draco let out a small scoff, "The only reason you did so well together Crabbe, was because Lilith did all of the studying with that mud-blood Granger."

"Draco!" I furrowed my brows and hit him in his arm.

"What? Its true." He rolled his eyes and slightly rubbed where I hit him.

"Doesnt mean you should say it," I sighed in annoyance.

He never knew how to keep his mouth shut when he should.

"Fine. Whatever." Draco spoke one last time before the carraige stopped and got out and walked up the steps into the castle.

We sat down at the Slytherin table.

Draco was quite annoyed with me, i mean he was only trying to defend me sorta.

It doesnt matter.

Im over it.

Snake Girl (Draco x OC) ~ReUpload~Where stories live. Discover now