7 ~ nobody

302 15 2

~Hey hoes after this chapter, we skipping 2nd year and parts of 3rd year bc I wanna get to the good stuff bc im kinda bored with the other years but off we pop~

Word Count: 450 :(

-Hey! If you easily get triggered or have post trauma regarding phycical and mental abuse, self harm, and/or just dont like gore etc. please skip the chapter! Thank you!-

I had a small backpack with me.

I trudged through the woods as the sun penetrated through the leaves above me.

I wont stop walking till I find Draco's house.

The woods is big, even if ive been living in it for 4 years.

I finally found the beautiful sight of the Mafloy Manor.

I grabbed a pebble from ground and lightly tossed it at his bedroom window.

He hesitanly opened the window to see me staring up at him, fresh tears streaming down my face.

Like the best friend he was, ran quickly downstairs and out through the garden to me.

"Dont speak, just come here." He held out his arms.

I happily embraced him, just having him around me fixes my mood.

He pushed me away and scanned my body.

"First question, are you okay?" He rubbed my shoulder.

"I guess.." I answered shakily.

He saw the bruises and marks on my face and arms, chest and legs, I was an absolute mess.


I followed him inside, he sat me down on a sofa and told me to wait there.

I just tucked myself into a ball.

"What is it Draco? Im quite busy right now," A prim voice cooed.

Draco and a woman walked around the corner and faced me.

"Lilith, this is my mother," Draco pointed to the woman.

"Call me Narcissa." She said.

I nodded, flashing a weak smile.

"Draco what is she doing here?" Narcissa asked.

In a hushed and low tone he answered, "Theyre hitting her mum.."

Narcissa stiffened and walked over towards where I was sitting.

She got on her knees and sat infront of me.

"Show me where it hurts..."

I hesitantly unballed myself and held out my apendages.

She winced seeing all of the cuts and newly raw scars.

Bruises and scrapes.

I looked like a little kid who just went through a rough game of tag on a concrete playground.

"Oh goodness.." She mumbled.

I choked back multiple crys of pain as she examined each wound on my body, no matter how many.

No twelve year old should endure the type of hurt I was going through.

Nobody in fact should go through what im going through.

(Holy heck, this chapter is short. sorry bout that. I hope you enjoyed though!)

Snake Girl (Draco x OC) ~ReUpload~Where stories live. Discover now