"I know your dad." Elias replied. "Couldn't hold his liquor and he certainly couldn't keep that wedding ring on his finger. Pretty young thing would walk by and poof, that ring disappeared like magic."

Brooklyn was so ready to punch him now. She tried sliding her hand out of Scott's but he only held it tighter and placed his other hand upon her leg to keep her seated.

"Do you know all of us?" Lydia questioned.

Elias kept his eyes on her for a couple of seconds before pointing and realising, "You're Natalie Martin's girl. Am I right?" Lydia nodded. "You look like her. She was pretty once, too." Lydia clenched her jaw as Brooke's eyes widened. The guy was really, really pushing it now.

"Stop talking." Malia demanded, shining her cold, blue eyes.

"Hey, Malia." Scott warned at the same time Brooklyn muttered, "Do it."

"And she also liked to talk like she was the smartest person in the room." Elias continued.

"Malia!" Scott yelled, moving himself away from Brooklyn as the werecoyote flicked out her claws and went to charge at the elderly man.

"Enough." Sheriff Stilinski ordered firmly as he came stomping into the room with a nursing home worker.

"Sheriff, we..." Scott tried to explain by trailed off. There was no good explanation.

"I explicitly told you not to come here." the Sheriff criticised. "And who attacked a staff member?"

"That's her." the worker who Malia knocked out earlier nodded at the Tate girl. She let out a small growl.

"What the hell were you thinking?" the Sheriff asked.

"Noah. We were just having a nice conversation." Elias told his son as he began to round the table to go over to him. Brooke scoffed.

"The four of you. Out." Sheriff Stilinski demanded. When they'd barely moved he added, "Now." They all quickly gathered their stuff and headed out the door.

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Brooklyn now stood inside Beacon Hills Sheriff's Station along with Scott, Lydia, Malia and an angrily pacing Natalie as they awaited their verdict from the Sheriff. They all had their heads down, not trying to make their situation any worse than it already was.

"We know this looks bad." Scott began.

"It doesn't look bad, Scott. It is bad." Natalie, Lydia's mum, cut him off. "You broke into a nursing home, you harassed a dementia patient, and you beat up a nurse. This could effect the rest of your lives." she exclaimed. "Especially you, Malia. They're talking felony assault."

"I didn't beat him up. I could have. But I chose not to." Malia grumbled.

"That's an improvement." Lydia commented.

Natalie was about to respond when the door opened and the Sheriff stood in the doorway. "By some miracle the nurse decided to drop the charges. They're free to go." Sheriff Stilinski stated.

Natalie shook her with her lips pursed. "Just because you're not going to jail, doesn't mean you're not grounded for eternity." she told her daughter.

Brooklyn smiled slightly as she leaned back against the wall, relaxed now knowing that they weren't in serious trouble. Lydia's mum caught sight of the smug girl and told her, "And don't think we won't be informing your father about this."

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