Chapter 12

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Regulus laid on his bed with a giddy smile on his face. His phone pressed against his ear.

"James you're an idiot."

"I'm your idiot though."

"That you are," Regulus laughed then immediately putting a hand over his mouth to stay quiet. "Wish you could come over, my mother is being over critical."

"I'm sorry, Love."

"She's made me pack already and there's still another week of school before break."

"What can I do?" James asked sympathetically.

"Just talk to me. That's all. Tell me one of your dumb stories."

Regulus laid in bed, a light blanket covering his body as he laid on his side. James proceeded to tell a story about some of his pranks from middle school. His stories were all over the place and jumped from time to time but Regulus smiled.

"One time Sirius and I decided to spray paint the football field pink. Of course, we were caught but it was so much fun. There was also the time when we took the plastic forks from the cafeteria, placed them in the grass of the courtyard."

"You both are idiots," Regulus mumbled sleepily.

"Sirius would blast Queen down the halls while the teachers ran after him to get him to stop. I of course would run with him even if I didn't know what was happening."

Regulus closed his eyes, letting exhaustion take over his body. Allowing James's voice to lull him to sleep. James could tell Regulus was asleep by the way his breathing evened out and he wouldn't respond to any questions. A small smile graced the older boy's face as he laid down too, staying on the phone in case Regulus awoke from a nightmare.


"Reg, I'm going to the on a walk with Li...I'm going on a walk," Sirius said to Regulus as he pulled on his jacket and put his hair up in a messy bun. He tightened his messenger bag around his shoulder before grabbing his coffee thermos and heading out of the house.

He made it to the park where he saw Lily and Remus on a bench with books in their laps. Sirius smiled at them before making his way towards them.

"Hi," He said to the both of them. Sirius placed a kiss on Lily's cheek and gave Remus an actual kiss.

"Hey," They both responded.

"It's a good day to study outside, don't you think Sirius?" Remus asked as he twirled his pencil in his hand a couple of times.

"I suppose, studying is always boring," Sirius responded. Lily laughed and pushed his shoulder slightly.

"It's not boring Sirius," Lily commented. "Plus don't you just have to draw or something?"

Sirius held up his sketchbook and pencil. "Yep, I got lucky though. I can draw whatever I want as long as it's good."

They all moved to the grass where they could lay, well where Remus and Sirius could lay while Lily sat on a comfortable pillow. They got to work on their homework as Lily played instrumental music off her phone. Sirius laid his head in Remus's lap as he worked on his base sketch. Remus protested jokingly as he had to move his work from his lap to next to him but there wasn't any malice in his words.

Lily would occasionally ask them how certain phrases sounded for her creative writing assignment. Sirius would only give vague answers as he didn't know what else to say but Remus would give detailed advice or opinions. When she said a particularly confusing line Sirius just stared in confusion while Remus debated the meaning behind the figurative language.

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