Chapter 4

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"So Regulus what do you want to do for your birthday?"

Regulus looked at James, who had asked the question, then around to the rest of them.

"Um, nothing?" Regulus replied getting multiple sounds of disagreement.

"Oh come on Reg. You're turning eighteen. It's an important part of a person's life," Sirius pointed out dramatically. "Even better you'll be an adult so you can do whatever you damn well please without mother being overbearing."

"Sirius I still have to finished secondary school before then," Regulus remarked.

"There really isn't anything you wouldn't want to do?" Peter asked to which Regulus just nodded.

"Okay, then I will take it upon myself to plan what we're doing for we're doing."

"Oh god please don't Sirius," Regulus begged but to no avail.

"Nope it's decided," Sirius said.

Regulus threw his head back and groaned causing James to laugh.

"What are you laughing at, Potter?" Regulus asked sassily. James put his hands up in defense without responding.

After Regulus had playfully hit James's shoulder and Sirius quit teasing him about turning eighteen the group went back to just talking.

"Remus Lupin?" Sirius asked loudly to get his attention. Remus's head snapped to Sirius's direction and his head tilted slightly in confusion.

"Why do you say my whole name?" Remus asked to which Sirius shrugged and continued.

"Not important. I do have a question though."

"Shoot," Remus offered.

"You look like the type of person who would go to university for something important-"

"I'll try not to be offended," Remus interrupted.

Sirius ignored the interruption, "So tell me are you going to university?"

Remus was slightly taken back. Not sure what he was expecting but asking about his education was not it. "I am going to university, I've been in college for three years going on four in the fall."

"What do you study?"

"I majored in psychology and minored in political science," Remus explained.

Sirius squinted his eyes and smirked a little. "I'm willing to bet you are studying law this year," Sirius remarked.

Remus's shocked face was enough to confirm Sirius's suspicion.

"How did you figure that out?" James asked Sirius. Sirius took a second to register the question came from James, momentarily had forgotten that there were still others in the room.

"No one willingly majors and minors in those without having a greater purpose for those," Sirius explained without breaking eye contact with Remus.

"Yea I am studying law. I'm attending Ilvermory as well," Remus responded. It was Sirius's turn to be surprised. 

"I guess everyone is going to Ilvermory now," Lily said to no one in particular.

"What do you mean?" Regulus asked the girl. Lily proceeded to explain how most of them were going to Ilvermory. Herself and James as English Majors, Remus beginning his three years of law school, and now Sirius.

Remus looked from Lily to Sirius, "You're going to Ilvermory?"

"As an art major," Sirius responded.

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