Chapter 3

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"Sirius," Regulus whispered to now stirring boy. 

"Sirius you have to get up. Mother is leaving soon and it wouldn't leave a good impression if you're still asleep." 

Sirius made a noise of disapproval but started getting up anyways. He sat up and pushed a hand through his hair to make it look somewhat decent. Sirius pushed the covers off of his body and flung his legs over the side of the bed. 

"I'm up," Sirius said in an unenthusiastic voice but it was enough for Regulus who nodded and left the room. Sirius sighed and looked at his phone to see the time. 

5:30 am

"It's too early for this." Sirius groaned before getting up and grabbing a pair of clothes to change into later. He laid the clothes out on his bed then left the room. 

Sirius walked into the living room where he saw Regulus sat on the sofa reading a book. 

"Still reading those boring novels are you brother?" Sirius teased earning a playful glare from Regulus. 

"Perhaps it'd do you good to read more Sirius," Regulus joked back causing Sirius to chuckle. The older boy joined Regulus on the couch however instead of reading he pulled out his phone and looked through random things. 

They sat in silence as they waited for Walburga to come down and then leave for her flight. 

The said woman came down a few minutes later holding two suitcases and a carry-on bag. Regulus stood up and made his way over to her. 

"Allow me to help mother," Regulus said as he took one of the suitcases from her hands and brought it towards the front door. 

"Thank you, Regulus. I'm glad to see one of you is making yourself useful."

Sirius rolled his eyes at his mother's condescending tone. Despite his annoyance, he didn't bother responding to the woman.

There was a car honk outside and Walburga looked towards the front door. 

"That's my cab Regulus," Walburga said quickly and walked towards the door. She held it open as she said a quick goodbye to the younger boy. 

She made to leave and exit the door when Sirius spoke up. 

"You despise me so much I don't even get a goodbye?" 

Walburga paused for a second but didn't turn around or say goodbye. She only left and let the door slam behind her. Sirius stood looking at the door for a few more seconds after she left. He only stopped once he heard the cab drive away. 

"Sirius I-" 

"It's fine. I didn't expect her to say anything nice to me," Sirius said however Regulus didn't miss the sadness within his eyes or how his posture slumped slightly. 

Regulus didn't bring it back up however and simply locked the door again and walked over to the sofa. He picked his book back up and went back to reading. 

"I'm going back to sleep Reg," Sirius muttered and without waiting for a response went back to the guest room. 

Sirius laid back down under the covers but didn't go back asleep. He laid on his side with his arms under his head and the covers pulled up to his chin. 

His mind going a mile a minute. Running with thoughts of his mother's hatred for him.

"She hit me," Sirius whispered to himself, "She couldn't even say goodbye to me." 

Sirius closed his eyes and felt a tear slip down his cheek as he fell back to sleep.


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