Chapter 6

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A week and a half had gone by and Sirius hadn't run into Remus again. He stayed busy with work, picking up extra shifts then coming home to cook dinner, and once he was done going straight to sleep.

It was exhausting and he missed hanging out with his friends along with spending time with his brother.

Regulus's birthday was on that and Sirius was planning that out as well.

Sirius rolled out of bed and got dressed, just another day. It was Saturday so Sirius was distracted by his plan and not focused on anything else.

He got up and made breakfast then ate before leaving for work.

When Sirius was at work in both places he got out his notepad and started writing down his plans. When he got to the library and did the daily chore of putting books away he sat down and got to work.

He listed a bunch of Regulus's favorite movies along with his favorite snacks, drinks, and candies. Sirius thought about what to do about where to watch them then thought of a solution.

His old stuff was in the attic and that includes a projector. Sirius quickly jotted down the thoughts he had and sighed as he leaned back in his chair. Relieved that he knew the plan and had it down.

Now all he needed was help.

Sirius pulled out his phone and mass texted Lilly, James, Remus, Peter, and Marlene to come over later. Regulus would be at work so it would still be a surprise.

Sirius waited anxiously for his shift to end and when it finally did a couple of hours later he practically ran out the doors of the library.

When he got home James, Peter, Marlene, and Lily were in the living room just chatting. Lily sitting as far from James as possible however Sirius paid no attention.

"Okay guys I need your help," Sirius said breathlessly as he ran into the room. They all halted their conversation to look at Sirius.

"With what?" Lily asked slightly concerned about what he would say. Sirius went over his plan for Regulus's birthday and it eased her mind along with getting them both excited to help.

After he finished explaining and asked everyone to go do certain things Remus walked in the door. Sirius snapped his head towards the door to see him.

"Hey," Sirius said softly when he saw Remus. The taller boy was wearing jeans, an oversized jumper, boots, and it made Sirius's heart flutter.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yea I just need help with setting up Regulus's birthday stuff."

"Okay, what can I do."

"We have to go to the store and I'll buy a bunch of Regulus's favorite food and drinks," Sirius explained and without hesitation, Remus nodded his head then pulled out his keys.

"Come on then, we haven't got all day."

Sirius thanked him and followed him out of the house.

"You know when you said you'd plan Regulus's birthday events I figured you'd do something loud and dramatic," Remus said while they were in the store and Sirius was filling a basket with things.

Sirius pulled a bag of chips off the shelf and put them in the basket. "Regulus has bad anxiety from our parents so he hates being in loud environments. I wanted to make a quiet night in for him with all of our friends."

"That's really caring of you," Remus remarked as he picked something up that Sirius had pointed to.

"Don't sound so surprised Moony."

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