Chapter 7

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Many weeks later Sirius and Lily sat in the waiting room of a doctor's office waiting for Lily's name to be called to the back.

Lily was anxiously bouncing her leg as they waited so Sirius reached out with his hand and placed his hand on her knee. She looked up at him and smiled while reaching her own hand down to grab his.

"Thank you for coming," Lily whispered to him.

"I told you that if you needed anything I'd be here. This falls under the anything category," Sirius responded in the same quiet voice as to not disturb other patients or staff members.

"It still means a lot to me."

Sirius gave her a reassuring smile before the door to the actual rooms. Lily's head snapped up at the sound and looked towards the nurse who held a clipboard.

"Lily Evans?!" The nurse exclaimed and with a relieved sigh Lily stood up quickly with Sirius right on her trail.

They walked up to the nurse who gave them a smile.

"How are you guys today?" The nurse asked them to which Lily responded with a quick and simple 'fine'.

They followed the nurse down a hallway and multiple turns before reaching a room with an open door. She walked into the room so Lily and Sirius followed.

Sirius sat on the chair next to the bed while Lily hoisted herself on top of the bed.

Lily anxiously fiddled with her hands so Sirius once again reached out but this time grabbed her hand first. Lily squeezed his hand back in a silent 'thank you' as the nurse typed away on the computer.

It was a few minutes before the nurse turned away from the computer to look at them.

"So how far along are you do you know?" She asked and Lily thought for a few moments.

"Um, somewhere around six to eight weeks. I don't know exactly."

The nurse nodded and typed on the computer once more.

"Anything else going on? Nausea, excessive bleeding, anything?"

"Some nausea and some cramps but other than that nothing else has been going on," Lily explained and the nurse nodded along as she typed.

"That's completely normal in early stages of pregnancy. Your body is just adjusting to the changes that are happening don't worry. The doctor will be in soon and we'll do your first ultrasound," The nurse explained before standing up and walking out of the room.

Sirius and Lily didn't say anything but she kept her death grip on Sirius's hand while they waited.

It was long before the doctor came in and sat in the same chair the nurse did.

"Hi I'm Doctor Pompfrey, I heard about some cramps and nausua before coming in. Are you handling that okay?" She introduced herself and asked Lily about her discomfort. Lily spent a few minutes describing some of her discomfort and what she was doing to help. She mentioned not wanting to take medication until told what she should take due to not knowing what certain medicines would do.

The whole time Doctor Pompfrey nodded along and typed on a computer. Once Lily finished explaining the doctor turned to her and talked about prescribing some pain medication Sirius had never heard of.

Once she was done discussing medication for pain and discomfort she got up and went towards a linen closet to pull out a few towels before leaving the room for a little bit.

"How are you feeling?"

"Anxious, really anxious," Lily said quickly and chuckled at herself causing Sirius to chuckle with her.

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