Chapter 9

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"James, get the hell up," Sirius whispered yelled at the boy who was still dead asleep on the couch.

James barely stirred whenever Sirius spoke. Sirius sighed and repeatedly slapped James's face to wake him up.

"Sirius stop."

Sirius didn't stop.

"Sirius, what the hell?"

"Get the hell up dude," Sirius told him and pulled the thin blanket off of his boy.

James rolled his eyes and dramatically groaned before sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"I'm making breakfast and coffee. Maybe next time you won't get drunk before the first day of class."

James mockingly said the same words as he looked around seeing that Lily and Remus had gone home earlier.

"Where did the rest of them go?"

"Remus had class early this morning, so did Lily. Regulus was at school at like eight. It's just us. I hope you didn't have class early because they tried to wake you earlier but you wouldn't move," Sirius explained as he sat a mug of coffee in front of James.

"No, I didn't. My classes don't start until the afternoon. I would have the same classes as Lily but she's avoiding me for some reason. Oh, yea do you know anything about that?"

"Not any more than the next." Sirius felt bad for lying to his friend but he would feel even worse if he exposed Lily.

"Damn, I don't understand why she won't talk to me," James said in a defeated tone. Sirius had to restrain from rolling his eyes at James's ignorance.

"Come on eat, it's already eleven you have class soon. So do I and I want you out of the house by the time I leave."

Sirius sat a plate down in front of James as well before leaving the living room to go shower and get dressed.

Once Sirius was ready he threw all of the things he'd need into his messenger bag. Sirius was surprised to see that James was actually gone before he was leaving however not surprised that he didn't take care of his dishes.

Looking at the time he realized he didn't really have time to take care of them so he left them where they were before leaving the house, locking the door behind him.

Public transportation wasn't fun as always but Sirius put up with it and put in his headphones to listen to music. Soon enough his stop came so he quickly got off the bus and headed towards the courtyard of the university.

Sirius paused and took it all in. It seemed almost cinematic, music playing his ears and a beautiful building in front of him.

Of course, he didn't get to enjoy it for long before he felt someone run into his shoulder, rather forcefully too.

"Watch where you're going," The man said to him. He had medium-length straight black hair and he wore a green tie over a white button-up plus black slacks to top off the look. Everything about him screamed privileged. That's not to say Sirius wasn't privileged but Sirius acknowledged his privilege and used it to help others. This man looked like someone who would say privilege isn't real then go eat every meal at an expensive restaurant.

"You ran into me. Prat," Sirius muttered to himself not expecting the unknown man to respond.

"What did you call me?"

"Oh yea I called you a prat," Sirius stated matter of factly which the other man didn't appreciate.

Sirius felt hands grab his shirt and pull him forward. He rolled his eyes at the middle school behavior. "If you're trying to intimidate me"--Sirius narrowed his eyes and smirked--"Try harder."

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