Chapter 10

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"James we have to think of a prank," Sirius whined causing James to whine.

They were all hanging out once again, Lily had made up an excuse after finding out James was there. Sirius tried to convince her to tell James but she wouldn't budge.

"Why are you thinking of a prank?" Peter asked the two boys who were now going over ideas.

"Snivellus is a jerk and therefore needs to be put in check," James explained as if it was obvious and Peter just nodded. They seemed to miss the slight change in facial expression that made him look angry.

It was a long list and every so often Remus would chime in telling them why a certain idea wouldn't work.

"Why don't you just do something simple?" Remus suggested.

"Like what Moony?" James asked full attention now on Remus.

"Just do something small like tacks on his seat or a fake snake in his bag just like a warning. Do something bigger if he keeps messing with you," Remus explained while both James and Sirius nodded.

"That makes sense." Sirius pulled out his phone and went to buy a bunch of tacks.

James went over which class they should do it eventually agreeing on a class that would be in the same hall as himself and Sirius so they could hear. Sirius bought a bag of a thousand tacks for ten dollars and they would be there the next day.

"We should ask Remus about pranks more often," Sirius said. "Where was he when we were in middle school?"

They all laughed at that and Remus smiled at Sirius fondly.


"Not too much," Sirius whispered as James stuck the tacks on Snape's chair. The whole time they would laugh quietly, not wanting to get caught.

It took half an hour just to get the seat covered and once they did they had to sneak out of the classroom. There wasn't anyone roaming the halls, their only problem was cameras. They would wait until the camera turned away to run in the other direction.

Hurry up

Remus texted Sirius, he was waiting outside of the school gate with his car so they could drive away. He had voiced his strong distaste of getting up at midnight to drive to university just for a prank. That of course didn't stop James and Sirius from dragging him along.

It didn't take long for the two boys to make it out of the school and into Remus's car.

"I dislike the both of you," Remus said once the doors were shut and he was putting the car into drive.

"Don't be dramatic Moony," James teased only making Remus roll his eyes and Sirius chuckle.

They were all tired. It was obvious by the yawning in the car along with the lack of talking. Remus dropped James off at his apartment and then started driving towards the Black's House.

It was a slightly longer drive, Remus decided to take his time, however, too soon was Sirius unbuckling his seat belt and reaching for the door handle. Both of them said goodnight to the other before Sirius stepped out. He shut the door but not more than a second later he opened it again and leaned towards Remus.

"Yes, Padfoot-"

Remus couldn't even get his question out before Sirius was kissing him. It was short and sweet but Remus savored every second of it. When Sirius pulled away his eyes stayed closed for a few seconds before fluttering open.

"Almost forgot," Sirius mumbled and Remus smiled brightly.

"That would've been tragic."

"Yes, it would've."

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