And just as if on cue, the bell rings marking the end of the class.

Instantly there are shuffling sounds around the class, as the everyone packs up.

I sit there on my desk and close my notebook slowly in a trance, as I stare outside the window still lost in The Study of Nothing. Isn't it amazing how even nothing is something. There's absolutely no such thing called empty...this is so cool.

Stuffing my Notebook and pen inside my bag I pick the bag up throwing a glance at Professor Langdon.

This day so far has been just like other day - I didn't speak to him, he didn't speak to me. No words exchanged at all. As if nothing happened on the last day of my college - more like last evening of college. As if I hadn't landed myself within a group of drunkards and Professor Langdon hadn't come to save my damsel-in-distress self. As if in return I hadn't accused him of sexually assaulting me. As if he hadn't spoken to my mother like he knew her for eons.

As if none of this ever happened and we are back to square one - just two people who has never spoken to each other. Almost strangers....wait, did we ever even reach square two?

"Ellora....will you give me a moment?"

I freeze at the door, as the captivating voice that I've been hearing for the past hour drifts to my ears.
Okay, this voice is familiar to me for three whole years, then why on Earth do I feel my heart jump inside my chest everytime I hear it?


I let out a shaky breath that I didn't know I was holding. Why does my name, coming from this man's mouth sound different? I've heard trillions of people call me by my name before, but never has it felt this.....good.

It's just my freaking name for God's sake! It's not like I am a fan of my name or anything..sometimes I've even wished I had a..normal name. But right now, this name coming from Prof. Langdon's voice makes my name feel it's a world wide worshipped name....or something. And he isn't even saying it differently....

"Ell-llora..." I whisper my name, trying to see if it sounds the same coming from my mouth, as I turn around slowly to face Professor Langdon.

He is leaning against the blackboard with his messenger bag crossed over his shoulder, all ready to go to his next class with an amused smile plastered on his chiseled face. My eyes linger shortly on his bulging arm muscles, which are folded across his broad chest, before getting back to his chocolate brown orbs behind black-rimmed glasses.

"Um, sorry Professor....I was lost." If being embarrassed was a currency, I would have been a billionaire by now. I face palm myself mentally before continuing, "I mean lost in thoughts..."

If right now the expression on Proffesor Langdon's face isn't the epitome of amusement, than I don't know what else is.

"By all means, continue - getting lost in your thoughts I mean." He pauses to look at his wristwatch, "I am free for the next twenty minutes or so." He says looking up and stuffing his hands inside his pockets. There's that light smile and mirth in his eyes as he looks at me....which once again makes the pumping organ on the left side of my chest flip.

Wait...did Professor Langdon just tease me? Like, tease ME?

A loose strand of hair has escaped my braid and rests on my forehead. Tucking it behind my ear, I purse my lips tightly before removing my eyes from him. Although there is a glee in his stare, it is intense. And my eyes aren't yet prepared to outstare such intensity.

The floor suddenly seems quite interesting as I realise every ounce of his attention is on me.

On hearing a soft, deep chuckle after a few seconds, I look up.

My Dark Scientistजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें