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Small breezes whispered into Taeyong's ears, ruffling his clothes and making his hair dance side to side. The omega's eyes were still shut, furrowing his eyebrows due to the pain in the back of his head and starting to move on the very comfortable bed that also had a very familiar scent.

It was undoubtedly Jaehyun's scent. Taeyong rolled over into the pillow the alpha would have usually slept on the other nights and tried to catch some trace of his exotic, manly scent. Taeyong always felt weak whenever he would catch a whiff of the alpha's scent. And he disliked that feeling so much.

It was something absurd to do yet the omega unwittingly exchanged his pillow for his, looking culpably at the doorway to ensure Jaehyun hadn't caught him doing that. Be that as it may, he needed his pillow. Needed his aroma to encompass him.

Taeyong settled down again, shutting his eyes, savoring the warmth and comfort of his bed, his pillow, and his clothing. Just him. A few moments later, the omega was taken aback by Jaehyun coming into the bedroom while carrying a tray of food.

The omega sat up quietly, subtly plumping the pillow behind his back as he watched the alpha sit down on the bed with him and set the tray of breakfast in front of him. It was waffles and a mixed green salad with a glass of water and some painkillers on the side of the plate.

Taciturnly, Jaehyun scooted onto the bed beside the omega so they were shoulder to shoulder now. "Eat up," the alpha told him, almost like he was commanding him to do it. "I don't want a single bite left over." He added with a serious look on his face. Taeyong blinked once, twice, thrice, confused by what just happened.

"Make sure to take these painkillers as well. Since you were very drunk last night, I'm pretty sure you are dealing with a headache right now." Why was Jaehyun telling him all this? Why was he so nice and caring all of the sudden? This didn't seem right but it also didn't seem wrong at the same time...

Jaehyun knew what he was doing was not something anyone would ever expect him to do. Neither did he think so if you asked him. He was trying to show the omega that he would like to become a better person, hoping that Taeyong would forgive him one day.

But Taeyong was conflicted about his relationship with Jaehyun especially now that he was behaving like that. He could never know when he would decide to hurt him again, so he wasn't sure how to trust him or give him a second chance. He needed some time to think about it.

Taeyong swallowed a scrumptious bite of the waffles and noticed the way Jaehyun was looking at him. He placed his fork and heaved a small sigh. "Are you going to keep staring at me while I'm eating or what?" He asked, avoiding eye contact with the alpha and feeling a bit intimidated by his magnificently dusk brown eyes.

"You're too pretty, I can't help it." The food got stuck in Taeyong's throat and he started coughing as soon as he heard his bold response. Jaehyun couldn't help but smile a little as he handed the omega the glass of water to drink from it.

"I-I think I'm full now. I'm going to take a shower. Thank you for the breakfast." Taeyong said quickly as he ran out of the room on his way to the bathroom.

For a few seconds, Jaehyun kept his eyes on the doorway as he let out a long sigh. He loved it whenever the omega became flustered over the simplest things and compliments. It was too adorable. The alpha then shook that thought off his mind and grabbed his phone. He quickly dialed the number that he was looking for.

"Did you find any information about that man?" Jaehyun spoke first, his hand balling up into a fist. He needed an immediate response or else he wouldn't be able to have any peaceful nights. Now, if you're wondering whom Jaehyun meant by that, it shouldn't be that complicated. It was the same old man from the bar who touched Taeyong and made him uncomfortable that night.

❝BARED TO YOU❞ ─ jaeyongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon