Euphemia: what is this? There no E.U.?

Then Euphie heard something, namely two soldiers who spoke German and had the same armbands as the flag, so she tried to hide, but he was electrocuted until she was fainted.

In Fuhrer office

Claus: wake up, wake up!

Euphemia wakes up in what looks like an office and a photo of a person who has a mustache and is standing upright and wearing armbands. In front of him was a doctor and the other was a chancellor

Euphemia: what happened? Where am I?

Claus: you luck, you can life again

Hanz: let me introduce myself. My name is Hanz Friedrich Hitler, the Chancellor of Greater Germanic Reich, you're in Berlin

Euphemia: Berlin? City in E.U.?

Hanz: E.U. it's not longer exist and vanished, then replaced by us, the Nazis

Euphemia: Nazis? What is Nazi?

Hanz: i explained to you, Nazi. It's a fascist organization in Germany since after Weimar Republic, NDSAP: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or in English: National Socialist German Workers' Party, we're the Nazis. You understand

Euphemia: yeah, I don't know the Berlin is a biggest capital

Hanz: not only Berlin, there's more biggest city and famous you can found G.N.R.

Euphemia: like what?

Hanz: London, Paris, Madrid, Helsinki, Oslo, Warsaw, Belgium, Amsterdam, Tripoli, Rabat, Kairo, Dubai, Tehran, Moscow, Belgrade, Prague, Beograd, Istanbul, and Athena

Euphemia: what are you gonna do to me?!

Hanz: not much, i wanna you join us

Euphemia: join you? Never! I still loyal to...

Hanz: the Britannians? Yeah of course, they not longer need you, even your sister, Cornelia not need you. *sigh* I mean... after the SAZ incident, there's more Britannian hates Japanese, so, are you wanna cooperate with us?

Euphemia: really? It's that true?

Hanz: I will give you answer: it's true. Now you have two choices, join us or exiled to Abu Dhabi

Euphemia: (mind) I think I have no choice... Sorry

Hanz: are you got the answer?

Euphemia: yes, I'll join you

Hanz: great! Now this is your uniform, Obergruppenführer

Euphemia: yes... mein fuhrer

Then Euphemia changed her clothes to Obergruppenführer's clothes and hat, then the armband that was shaped like a British flag was given a swastika in the middle indicating that she was a first Britannian person, who joined Nazis

Euphemia: I'm ready for duty *do the Nazi salute* Heil Hitler!!

Hanz: Mrs. Euphemia, you will be a leader of 100th SS Panzer Division "Engel des Todes", your tank is Leopard 2 Revolution

Euphemia: yes, mein fuhrer

In Area 11, Akihito and his troops came from the GNR and checked the country and disguised themselves as politicians who were cooperating with Britannia, he was accompanied by his troops. After exiting the airport, they were picked up by the Nazi military there (because the Nazi military guarded the Nazi Embassy)

Akihito: Yep, this is not a warm welcome for me

Britannia Airport Security 3#: Hurry up, eleven

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