Chapter Two, Finding Sammy

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(Same outfit as previous chapter)

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(Same outfit as previous chapter)

Chapter Two, Finding Sammy

"What do you remember?" Bobby asked, as he handed Dean a beer.
"Not much. I remember being a Hellhound's chew toy, then lights out, and then nothing until I woke up in that coffin." Dean explained, however, Harley got the feeling that wasn't the full story but she wasn't going to push him. "How come you buried me anyway?" He asked curiously, pulling Harley from her thoughts.
"I wanted you salted and burned the usual drill; but Sam and Harley were dead set on it. Said you needed a body when they got you back." Bobby explained, causing Dean's fear to increase as he whipped around to face his sister with a stern look upon his face.
"Harley!" Dean asked with a warning in his voice.

"I didn't make a deal if that's what you're thinking. I'm not stupid, but I've been researching every known and obscure lore, I even asked Gabe if he could get you out. But even he couldn't; said he'd need an army and as he's in witness protection he can't. I'm so sorry Dean, I tried." Harley cried, begging her brother to understand.
"Hey, hey, hey." Dean said, getting up and kneeling by his sister's side, wiping away her tears.

He knew all about Gabriel of course, otherwise known as the Trickster, he'd picked up Harley's phone once, before he went to Hell, she had been in the shower at the time, and Gabriel told him the truth of who he was (not that he believed him at first, c'mon angels and Archangels?), why he'd left heaven, and how he felt about Harley. Dean asked to meet him and had threatened him: telling him if ever hurt his sister again he'd kill him.
"I know you tried your hardest, Rosie, I'm just glad you didn't make a deal to take my place. But I fear Sam might have. My grave sight looked like a bomb sight." He continued, pulling himself out of his thoughts. "Where is Sam? He's not?" He trailed off uncertainty.

"He's alive as far as we know." Bobby said, shrugging his shoulders.
"What do you mean? Damn it Bobby! You're supposed to be looking out for him!" Dean exclaimed, frustrated.
"Well these last four months haven't exactly been easy for any of us, Dean!" Bobby reprimanded sternly. "Besides, he took off during the night, the day we buried you, and left your sister alone in a motel room!" He added angrily.
"WHAT! My dying wish was for him to look out for you!" Dean exclaimed angrily to Harley.
"Well obviously he didn't listen. There was no note and he wouldn't answer the phone and now they're just out of service, he probably got a new one. I got into baby and called Bobby and have been staying here since." Harley said, taking a swig of her own beer.

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