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-Rina POV-

"Noona! I found out that Taehyung Hyung and his people are coming to save Tzuyu today!" I heard Jeongwon yell at me. I turned around and found him stopping his run, and bending down to catch his breath. 

"What?" I asked, to make sure what I heard is right.

"Taehyung and his people are coming to save Tzuyu! Like in 30min," He repeated. I kept my calm face

"Get everything ready," I said, turning around swiftly, and walking away. I could hear him groan in the back and then footsteps. 

-Tzuyu Pov-

That's bitchy guy is here again. He's basically been harassing me and trying to rape me for the past 2 days. Yes, It's already been approximately 2 days since I was kidnapped at the park, and boy did I smell and look disgusting. I think that bitch's name was Jeongwon, there was a woman named Rina who checked on me twice so far, but she looks really familiar despite the contact lenses, mask, and wig she wears all the time. I don't think that anyone knows her identity though. 

"Hey! Babe!" Jeongwon called, shaping his fingers in front of my face. Of course, I didn't like it, but I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him with an annoyed face. I never dared to speak with him, even though he kept coming out in my dreams, and he made my head hurt. I looked up at him, and he started talking nonsense. I didn't really listen to him cuz he's annoying. 

"What do you actually want?" I asked, obviously still annoyed.

"You really don't know who I am?" He asked, and I shook my head no.

"I'm sorry but I really don't know who you are, so can you leave me alone? Or find a way to get me out of here? I really want to see my Taehyung," I told him. He looked at me with a stare, but I couldn't tell what his expression was actually supposed to be. He quickly turned around, slamming the door to my so-called "cell room", and stomped out, mumbling nonsense to himself. I sighed. I was freed from the poll of doom, but the room was always kept locked. 

I really hoped that someone would come and save me from this terror! It's so frustrating to know that even if I can knock the bitch out cold, everyone else from outside will come at me, and probably torture me to death. I looked gross for the lack of hygiene, and on top of that, they barely gave me meals to eat, so I became a literal skeleton. Because of this, I don't try to do anything but hope for help as I know that my body cannot take in the beatings they will give and whatnot. I sat on the small bed that was provided, and lay down, praying that help will come before I felt my eyes slowly closing.

-Taehyung Pov-

We finally arrived at the place that Jungkook had tracked down. I had brought pretty much everyone because they begged me so hard I could not resist. We insisted that our shorty stays in the car with our preggers so nothing can happen to them, or the babies inside them. He wasn't happy about it, butttttttttttttttttttttttt no one cares. All that matters is to get Tzuyu safely back from the bitches or bastards, or whatever they are. I motioned for everyone to be quiet for there were a lot of us. Bodyguards, police near the car, my sister, my Hyungs, Tzuyu's Unnies, and me. A lot of us were going to try and break into this creepy place, and I was really happy to do so. As long as everyone can stay safe. Jungkook was also in the car with his computer, so that we can all stay safe. He jammed the security cameras and their communication systems. The power should go out soon as well. Good thing we are still able to see because the sun hasn't set yet. The power outage is just for extra security. 

"The passcode to the door is 156098," Jungkook said through the earpieces we were all wearing. I nodded, walking to the door and getting ready to put the passcode in. 

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