Heavy with emotions

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It was 3 hours since the incident and Alara was in her room after having dinner and spending some time with her parents. She was grateful that her father was alright but still had an unsettling feeling in her heart like something bad was going to happen. They always say that when something is going to happen to your loved ones then you get a sort of sign in your heart but she shrugged it off thinking that it was the after effect of the incident but nothing could move the rock in her throat which was constricting her throat. Owing to the fact, she could not concentrate on her assignment and decided to leave it and write her feeling in her diary like she has always been doing previously. Growing up alone, there are feelings which you cannot share with your parents and sometimes you need a shoulder to cry and tell your feelings to and that is where the role of sibling comes in but being a single child, her diary was her confidante.

Dear Diary,

I am very upset over my request to go outside today. I have always been stubborn and get ways to get my wishes accepted but today it has hurt me. I hate myself and don't even want to look at my face. I hate my existence today. How can I being a child, who loves her parents alot, who has no one in this ruthless world accept her parents, end up hurting her parents. I constantly have a heavy hurt and my emotional side tells me that I have mutilated our love for each other. I have killed it. I can never look my parents in the eye again. The guilt is eating me up like termites and making me hollow. My body is just bones and my soul is sucked out by the incident. ( A tear escaped her already moist eyes). I am tired---. 

Just before completing her sentence her mother came into her room and said that her father is in a lot of pain and they need to go to the hospital urgently. They were in the car and the roads were crowded and the pain was so much that her father started saying that I will not survive this pain and her mother started calming her father on the other hand Alara prayed to ALLAH to lessen the pain of her father and to reach the hospital quickly.

At the hospital:

Her father was lying on the bed and was relaxed a bit as he was being administered with heavy painkillers. Since it was late at night, the doctor was to come in the morning at the time of start of the morning shift. Alara and her mother sat on the chairs near the bed her father was resting on. Soon, the mental and emotional stress took over and Alara fell asleep on the  chair in the sitting position.

Alara's POV:

Upon hearing some voices, I slowly opened my eyes to see that the sun had risen and rays of hope and delightfulness poured in from the nearby window. I saw the expressions of my  parents and they were very serious so I got attentive and listened to the doctor and the next words scared me out of my wits. "You will have to go through a minor surgery for the knee as they is a slight crack in the bone and the other bone has gone into the crack a bit so in the surgery we will fix the bone which has displaced and add a metal piece to support the bone with the crack" the doctor explained in non-medical terms so it is easier to understand. I saw that my shocked and horrified expression was mirrored on the faces of my parents as well. The doctor seemed very professional and was saying that it was his everyday job and he has done many surgeries like this but for us the news was huge. Tears were beginning to intrude my vision and I excused my self and went to the washroom. 

Upon entering, all the tears I was holding back dripped from my eyes one after the other leaving me in pain. I bit back the urge to scream my sorrow and instead silently questioned "Why me ? , Why did it have to be me ? Why can't my life be normal without any problems?" and cried. I tried to stop crying but all my efforts were in vain. Finally, after almost 5 10 mins of crying over my fate, I looked myself for the first time since yesterday evening in the mirror and saw  that my skin was  a bit pale, sadness was evident on my face, tear stains were visible on my cheeks. I washed my face, took in a few deep breaths to calm myself and gave myself a peep talk. "Alara, you have to be your parent's son. You have to be their support and should help them, this crying will make you and them weak. You can do this girl. It's a test and you have to be patient. " Looking at herself one last time, she went out, finally ready to face the trials.

Ahh Long chapter! I know its too sad.  Guys she might be a character but for me she is a real person and life has ups and downs and everything does not go as we have planned and Allah is the best planner and everything has some benefits for us. Like carbon undergoes metamorphosis to become diamond we become better believers who are patient and also learn to appreciate the good times. Enough of the rant !

Hope you like the chapter.

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