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-Only mentions of everything

After I woke up hours later, Clay drew eyebrows on my face with makeup. He wasn't an artist, but it looked decent. I probably wasn't wearing it to school, but I already like the fact of me sort of having eyebrows again.

I kissed and cuddled with Clay for a little and after that we ate a small piece of cake. I was less nauseous without the chemo, although I knew I had to go back again.

I looked up at Clay. It was evening and I went to bed at seven pm because I was exhausted. Clay smiled at me and laid his phone down, hugging me tight. 'What's up, honey?'

'Uh- do you uh- I feel insecure.'

Clay understood what I meant and he softly rubbed my head to kiss it after. 'Shall I remind you again of how beautiful you are?'

I shrugged shyly and hid my face.

'You look so perfect, you're so beautiful and I love you more than anything.'

'You're just saying that, you don't like me.'

I felt tears coming up in my eyes and I hugged Clay tightly to show I needed him. Clay understood and he rubbed my head softly, hugging me tightly.

'I like you a lot, sweetie. I actually love you a lot.'

'How can you love someone like me?'

Clay started listing all things he liked about me and he smiled afterwards. 'I'm lucky to have the most beautiful boyfriend in this world.'

I giggled really shyly and looked up. 'You already are.'

'Don't even try, I will kiss you if you don't agree with me.'

'I'm absolutely not going to agree with you then.'

Clay giggled and pressed his lips on mine, kissing me for a long while, just as long as it took for us both to run out of breath. Clay smiled at me as we broke apart and he pressed his forehead against mine, constantly pressing kisses on my lips.


'Yes, sweetie.'

'I don't want to go back to hospital in a few weeks. I want to be with you here at home.'

'I'll be with you in the hospital.'

'But I'll be so sick and we can't cuddle when I sleep.'

'We can cuddle when you sleep, you always sleep a lot.'

'I don't want to throw up again,' I whispered. 'I don't want to feel so bad.'

'It's to make you better, sweetie. Your body is really sick and the chemo is trying to kill all bad cells, honey.'

'But it makes me so sick.'

'That's because your body is getting drugs it's not used to at all.'

'I don't want it. I want to be healthy like you.'

'I want you to be healthy too, sweetie. That's why you have to keep fighting.'

I nodded really slowly and wiped a tear away. 'I don't want to be sick anymore.'

'Come, cuddle with me.'

Clay held me really tightly and constantly kissed my cheek. 'You're going to get better, sweetie. You have to keep fighting for a little, you will only be in the hospital one week a month. The other weeks you will be home here with me. I will be here every second of the day.'

I smiled shortly and hid my face in his shirt. 'I'm really sad, Clay.'

'I can see that, baby. How can I help you?'

'I don't want to be sick anymore.'

Clay sat up and lifted me up too. He lifted me up and on his lap, making me rest my head against his chest. He softly started rocking and humming songs to me.

'I love you,' he whispered. 'Every second of the day. I will always love you.'

I closed my eyes as he started rocking me to sleep while humming songs to me. He kissed my head every second and told me constantly how much he loved me. He wiped my tears away and slowly laid down as I started falling asleep.

'I will never leave your side, I will never. How sick you are, how much you have to throw up, if you will never get hair, I will stay here.'

'And if I die?' I whispered half asleep.

'You aren't going to die, honey.'

'What if?'

'I'll stay with you till the end and I'll stay bald for my whole life in memory of you.'

I smiled shyly as I fell asleep.

I woke up hours later and Clay was asleep when I woke up. I smiled and kissed his cheek and forehead. I startled as I felt he had tears on his cheeks and I hugged him tightly. He seemed to wake up a few minutes later and smiled at me.

'Have you cried?' I asked.

'Yes, sweetie. I have cried a bit.'


'Because I love you so much and I don't like seeing you in pain or sad.'

'You could have woken me up.'

'You were really tired, honey. I just cried for a little, but I'm okay now.'

'How long have you cried for?'

'That's not important, sweetie.'

'I want to know.'

'Just a few hours, baby.'


'It's fine, Georgie. I'm totally fine now, I just don't like seeing you in pain.'

I smiled at him. 'Can I make it better?'

'I love being with you already.'

'What time is it?'

'It's ten pm, sweetie.'

'I'm still really tired.'

'You have the whole night to sleep.'

'And my homework?'

'You're sick, baby. Today was exhausting for you, we aren't going to do homework now.'

I nodded shortly. 'Kiss?'

'Do you want to kiss for a little with me?'

I giggled shyly and nodded. 'I do.'

Clay smiled and his hand went up to my cheek, leaning in to press his lips on mine. I rolled more on top of him and he pulled me close as we kissed. The kiss wasn't really long this time, mostly because we were both exhausted at this point. Clay only smiled after our kiss and we cuddled up again, both falling asleep right away.

1006 words

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