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-Mentions chemotherapy

'Georgie, you're going to do so great,' Clay said, kissing my cheek. 'You're so strong.'

'I don't want to have leukaemia.'

'We are going to help you get better,' the doctor said.

I nodded slightly and looked at my parents, they were both crying and I hugged them shortly.

After the doctor explained to me everything that was going to happen, I got taken by a nurse who showed me what everything looked like and how everything worked. I got shown how my room looked and I sat down on my bed.

'Am I allowed to see my parents and Clay?'

'Is Clay your boyfriend?'

I nodded. 'I can't miss him for this long, I need him in my life because I will go crazy otherwise.'

'There is one person a day allowed, but they have to wear masks and protected clothes so they make sure you won't get sick.'

'Does chemotherapy hurt?' I whispered.

'Shall I explain you what happens during chemotherapy?'

I nodded and the nurse smiled. 'We will just give you a needle in your hand and we will give you drugs through that to try and kill as many cancer cells as possible. After chemotherapy the most common symptoms are nausea and vomiting. You will probably lose your hair, but we will get you an amazing hat.'

I nodded slowly and I stared at my hands. 'Am I really sick? Is it bad?'

'Your body is filled with cancer cells at this moment, but your body is already fighting really hard.'

I nodded slowly. 'Am I going to feel even worse than I feel now?'

'Everyone reacts differently to chemotherapy.'

'Can Clay be with me during chemo?'

'One person is allowed to be with you during chemotherapy.'

I nodded. 'I want Clay to be with me.'

The nurse smiled at me. 'Clay must be amazing. Do you have a picture of him?'

'My background is a picture of him and me together, but we were just friends back then.'

I showed her my phone background and she smiled. 'He looks great.'

I nodded heavily. 'Can I ask you something?'

'Of course.'

'I'm playing in a hockey tournament at school and I got chosen this year for the first time. Do you think I can play it?'

'We never know, but don't lose hope. When you are out of this first phase you can go home between all your chemos and if you feel well enough, you might be able to play.'

'Clay was proud of me.'

'I bet he was, I am too!'

'Thanks,' I said as I laid down in bed. 'I'm tired.'

'Your body is fighting really hard against leukaemia.'

'Will I get better?'

'We are really good at what we are doing and most people will heal.'

I nodded and I curled myself up. 'I have been sleeping a lot, am I allowed to?'

'Of course you are.'

'Is Clay coming to cuddle with me?'

'He might come later, your mum is getting some of the necessary stuff.'

I nodded and closed my eyes. 'I really don't want to be sick.'

'I understand, no one wants to be sick, but you can be really proud of yourself for fighting this battle.'

I smiled and started dozing off slowly. 'Really tired.'

'Sleep, George. We will wake you up when we need to, for now you can sleep though.'

I smiled as I fell asleep.

I got woken up hours later and I looked directly at Clay's face. His eyes were red, but he smiled at me, sitting down on my bed. He hugged me tightly without saying anything and kissed my cheek constantly.

'I love you so much, George. I am allowed to be with you tomorrow during your first chemo. Your parents might be allowed to be somewhere in the back of the room, but I can stay close to you.'

'Please, help me fight this battle. I can't do it without you.'

'I'm fighting this battle with you, George. I might not have to go through the chemotherapy and through all the pain you are feeling at this moment, but I'm here with you and I will fight with you. I made you a promise which I will never break.'

'I love you so much,' I whispered.

'I love you too, sweetie.'

I blushed as he called me that and hugged him. 'I'm sorry that I'm sick.'

'Never say that again, you didn't choose to be sick, okay? No one chooses for cancer and I don't want you ever apologising for that again.'

'I want to be healthy and happy. I want to be able to care for my boyfriend and not have you only care about me.'

'I don't need care at all at the moment and you do. I will care for you just as long as you need and after that you can take care of me if you ever need to.'

'I'm really scared of the chemotherapy tomorrow.'

'I'm going to be with you, sweetie. I will hold you tight as it happens and I will be there with you after that too.'



'Even if I have to throw up a lot?'

'Yes, even then. I will hold you and comfort you if you have to throw up and I will clean the bucket for you so you have a clean bucket if you have to throw up another time.'

I was getting a bit flustered because of how sweet he was and I smiled. 'That's so sweet. Would you find me disgusting if I threw up?'

'Not at all, I'm not disgusted by anything you do and definitely not by things you can't control at all.'

'And if my hair falls out?'

'I will look for the most beautiful beanies for you so you can wear whatever you like.'

Tears filled my eyes and I smiled. 'Why are you this sweet to me?'

'Because you're my boyfriend and I swore to protect you with everything I had. I promised to never let you go and to always stay by your side. And I also promise to never break that promise.'

1025 words

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