What happened to these two?

Oh, and we've got good news at least. Katie Bell finally recovered and she's back to walking around the castle. I'm really happy she's fine now but I feel bad for forgetting she was even cursed in the first place.

All we got out of that was someone is trying to kill Dumbledore and Katie just happens to have bad luck that day, also the whole wine thing with Slughorn. I wonder who would be stupid or courageous enough to attempt assassinating Dumbledore.

He's a living legend in the wizarding world so what kind of idiot would try killing him?

Harry got up from the table to approach Katie, I would go with him but I'm finishing my food. I'll just catch up later, this cake is too good. I didn't even notice him running out the great hall until I looked up to Hermione looking worried.


"Harry just ran out chasing Malfoy."



I got up quickly and ran out as well, looking around for any sign or clue that would let m know where they headed. It could be anywhere! This castle is big and I have no idea where to find them, I pondered. Who would know where they are right now?

Rose! I went back to the great hall but failed to find her. She was just here, she even waved at me when I entered the hall with the trio and now she's gone right as Harry and Draco disappeared too.

So now I' just forced to go to the Astronomy Tower and hope he'll make his way here if whatever he plans to do doesn't go well. I'm guessing if something goes wrong then he would avoid heading back to the dorms right away and the Astronomy Tower is mostly empty so he would most likely come here.

If curfew strikes and he still fails to come here then I'll just search for him in the common room.

I hate not knowing anything, not knowing what's happening. I just leaned against the railing and looked out to the darkened sky. Is it gonna rain? I leaned forward to see if I can witness anything interesting and in doing so, the white lily pendant hanging from my neck began dangling.

Oh, right. I still have this with me.

I backed away from the railing, deciding to just sit somewhere and wait for Harry to maybe come when I felt light-headed again. The ground seemed to be shaking or it's just my head but I just know I dropped to the floor again. Hopefully I made it far enough from the railing or I'd be dead by the time I wake up- if I even wake up.

I looked around eagerly, what memory is gonna play this time? 

I looked around and found I'm in the familiar halls of Hogwarts. Of course, those two probably went to Hogwarts if the necklace ended up in the room of requirements. I can't find them however. 

I began walking around and narrowly avoided a two young boys running and in their track, they bumped into a familiar kid with long black hair. Oh it's him!

He dropped some of his books but the two rude boys just laughed and continued running down the hall, I frowned. Who are those two's parents? Why did they raise such rude children? I ran to approach the two kids now picking up the dropped books and felt a bit upset for them.

"You shouldn't put up with those bullies." She told him. 

"They'd just make matters worse if the teachers find out. Not to mention they'd make fun of me for telling the adults."

That's sad. He shouldn't be enduring such a thing! 

"Let's just go to the library, Sevy."

"You like that place more than me."

The girl giggled. "I don't like anything more than you."

The boy only smiled at her but I saw his pale cheeks flush, holy cow they're so cute! I feel like I'm watching some film but I've been spoiled with a bad ending. The memories I've seen so far are good ones, why would anyone want to get rid of them?

Shouldn't people want to get rid of bad memories?

"Let's borrow some books and read in the kitchens," The boy suggested. "I'll ask the elves to make you those cookies again."

"You know me too well, Sevy."

Then I'm back. Thankfully not dead lying at the bottom of the astronomy tower and just as I got up to examine the dirt I got on my skirt, I heard footsteps approach me. I turned around smiling but that smile immediately disappeared when I saw Harry covered in blood come into view.

I ran to him and examined the blood.

"Merlin, what happened?"

"Don't worry. It's not mine."

I halted. 

"You bloody tosser! You think letting me know it's not yours is gonna clam me down!?" 

He winced when I hit his side and I continued glaring at him. His clothes were also wet, where did he come from?

"It's Malfoys."

"What did you do?" I asked him with no emotion in my voice, I'm unsure what to make of this. I know Harry wouldn't attack him for no reason but to go as far as to make someone bleed? "Harry, that did you do?"

"I- I panicked and used a spell I found on that book."

Thanks Merlin I got rid of it! This bloody idiot really used an unknown spell from some mystery book against someone else, that could be the next avada kedavra for all we know! 

"I'm just glad you're not hurt. Now tell me everything."

He did. Starting from the moment he ran after him and only now relying on to me the information he got from Moaning Myrtle. I felt my heart ache for Draco, he was going through so much and I could've been there for him.

But we're not exactly friends any more.

I wish Rose is with him right now. I have a strong feeling she is.

Then I smacked Harry on the head. "You idiot! Never use an unknown spell on anyone ever again!" He winced and let out a very loud 'ow' but he deserved that one. 

At least Snape got there in time before things escalated to a worse situation and I can rest easy knowing Draco's fine now. This is hard. Being between the two of them like this, and being conflicted with my not-friendship with Draco while Harry is actively set on proving he's some villain.

"You can stop hitting me, I've already got detention with Snape until the end of the year." 

As expected, things are proving to be more difficult and more trouble are heading our way. 


I forgot to show you last chapter but this is what the necklace looks like-

I forgot to show you last chapter but this is what the necklace looks like-

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