Hwan drives us to the stadium, and we prepare for the concert. I'm still not nervous, so I think they will stay away. It's time and we get to the movable section of the stage. We rise and the concert starts and I'm having so much fun, and the parts were we don't do choreography, I goof off with Sapphire and even Ruby joins. The crowd loves it, and that fuels my fun. At the end I'm exhausted, and during one of our many wardrobe changes, I'm impressed with how good the boys always look. Every time I feel like I'm wearing a potato sack. 

We relax in the dressing room and then Hwan drives us to the hotel, and I can't wait for my bed. Tomorrow we have an interview, after that travel to the next city to repeat it all over again, and I can't wait. I never thought I would like it this much. But I do. The entire cycle repeats twice more and then our little concert tour is over. 

The concert in the second city was a success too, and arriving after at the hotel turns my world upside down. I'm waiting, alone, by the elevators, and when the doors are wide enough I get pushed into it, quite hard. A body presses me against the back wall. He's flush up against me, and I lift my hands and place them against the wall, shoulder height. But before I can push back, hands grab mine and he spins me around. My hands get pinned above me and when I look up and into his eyes I lose my breath. I'm paralyzed and he smirks. 

He moves his hips and I can feel him and he feels divine, thick and hard. "Hello Aqua." My vocal chords don't work either and all I can manage is a moan. He turns, but still holds me firmly against the wall. He presses the button for the twelfth floor and the elevator moves. He turns to me again, and nuzzles my neck. The haze leaves a little when I think about how surprising it is that he's here. Is he alone? He bites down and I moan and squirm. It's no use pulling on my hands. He has them in a firm grip. 

He skims his nose over my Jaw and I want it so much my blood boils. He then softly presses his lips to mine and I moan and tug on my hands I want to touch him. He chuckles and then deepens the kiss, coaxing my lips apart. I break the kiss, breathing heavy. "Hi Romeo, what if your soulmate sees us?" I can't help but ask. It's possible as she's staying at this hotel too. Then the doors ding, and open. Floor twelve, and he turns and pulls me after him. He's in a hurry and pulls me to a door, opens it and walks in. The door closes after me and he still pulls me forwards. When I see Jungkook I stop and tug back. He releases me and I'm speechless. Both? How? Am I glad they are here? Absolutely. 

"How?" Is all I can manage at this point. Both chuckle at that and Jungkook pats the spot beside him, but I stay where I am. He's too good at seducing me. He smirks, like he knows why I don't come closer. "Mr. Lee had two tickets for your concert, and he wanted too treat some of us." That's weird. Why not Yoongi our the other? I dismiss the thought, happy some of them are here. "So he gave them to you two?" And Romeo shakes his head, "no he gave them to all of us, and as all wanted to go, " but Jungkook interrupts, "well one couldn't go." And Romeo doesn't look happy. "Why?" I ask, that vague statement is insufficient. Jungkook looks at me, "Jimin got summoned by his grandfather." Grandfather? What? "Why should that matter?" I ask next, as it still doesn't tell me anything. But Romeo looks disapprovingly. Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, "you have to ask Jimin that." Okay I will, and I file it away for later. "So two tickets, but six who want one. How did you guys decide?" Jungkook chuckles, "I beat them all with rock paper scissors." 

"And I then beat the rest," Romeo tells me proudly. And I laugh. They are so silly, I love it. "Wait here. I need a shower. Be right back." Turning to the bathroom, I enter, and strip myself. Waiting as the water warms, I look at Jimin's tattoo. It is beautiful. And both marks fit the style of the tree perfectly. I get under the water and wash myself. I rinse off and get out, turning the shower off. Drying with one of the fluffy hotel towels feels nice and soft. I brush my hair and teeth and then leave the bathroom, naked. 

Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Harem *TwoWhere stories live. Discover now